99 Australia Team Kit


School Cricketer
Mar 1, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
I need a kit for the 99 Australia team... 1 day is preferable, but if someone has (or can make) ODI and test kit that would be great. The 98-2001 australian test team is the best ever, and it would be great if they could be represented in the game....

at the moment ive got the players in, just have to work on the stats, which is hard to get them at 2001 (i could get 2004 stats easy)

so yeh i got that, i got most of the commentary seeing as most of the players are still in the game (missing ian healy, paul reiffel, tom moody)

so yeh, i need a kit for the team. if anyone has one, or can make one, or could tell me how to make one, post it here and let us know

For one day, do you mean the '99 world cup shirt? And the test one should just be replacing the sponsors logos and the cricket australia. If you download the tutorial for the kit replacer it's pretty easy to make, just see how you go :). (downloads section)
yeh the world cup shirt, or the old blue, yellow and green one, with the stars that shoot across the front of the shirt.
squiz... could you have a look for it... if you stil have it could u email it to me, or post it on the site?

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