'A' Associate Premier League | AAPL - I | Cancelled

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1 question, it's called 'A' Associate Premier League and yet you have India A, South Africa A, Australia A and England A. Why are these here?:spy

'A' Associate
'A' - A teams
Associate - associate teams

only players from these teams will be picked
Sathish - Australia A Sonics,India A Rowdies,England A Thunders
Siddant007 - India - A,- ,-
Vivek7 - South Africa - A, -, - 
coolash1 - South Africa - A, -, - 
Siddharth - Australia A Sonics, England A Thunders,South Africa A Hawks
SanthoshSKR - Ireland Tigers, India A Rowdies, Netherlands Lions
Final Teams :

Australia A Sonics - sid2k11
India A Rowdies - 
Ireland Tigers - RedKing
South Africa A Hawks - Vivek7
England A Thunders - 
Afganistan Furies - 
Netherlands Lions - 
Scotland Falcons -
Final Teams :

Australia A Sonics - sid2k11
India A Rowdies - 
Ireland Tigers - RedKing
South Africa A Hawks - Vivek7
England A Thunders - 
Afganistan Furies - 
Netherlands Lions - 
Scotland Falcons -

I already posted my preferred team y not you add me
Australia A Sonics - sid2k11
India A Rowdies - santhoshSKR
Ireland Tigers - RedKing
South Africa A Hawks - Vivek7
England A Thunders - coolash1
Afganistan Furies - 
Netherlands Lions - 
Scotland Falcons -
Mr Nokkaya I am only posted first to this league why are you not adding me
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