I'm not sure he actually blamed the pirates for the issues? Equally it's undeniable that if they take time investigating issues reported by pirates before coming to the conclusion the issue is due to the DRM or whatever then there is an opportunity cost in terms of investigating "real" issues. (And no, that doesn't excuse releasing the game without basic shots which was a major oversight but equally was acknowledged and rectified quickly.) (And once more for luck: issues!)
I think it's also a bit much to say BA/
@Ross hate the PC community- if that were so why bother releasing it on the format? It's hardly a major sales platform.
I don't think Dutch, BA or anyone would argue the release of the game has been great. But the game is still at heart a very good one. I've had some major frustrations with logo bugs, and i'm frustrated/baffeled/annoyed at losing customisation options that were in DBC 14. But equally there is an element of rose tinted specs I think from you as you played the last game with Franco's hack. Take that hack away and DBC14 can't hold a candle to DBC17.
I think the biggest criticism that can be thrown at BA is overreaching there grasp: elements such as the logo creator and stadium creator were added before all the core elements were nailed down; being first iterations they're a little under developed and have introduced other issues. If the core elements were tip top that'd be fine, when they're not frustrations increase. I get that and have felt the same.
That said, I am not gonna crucify them for trying to give us too much.