abrupt closure of game - my game closes while running


Club Cricketer
Mar 7, 2002
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi everyone,
As always, I am still having glitches in game running and here is the new one.

I got everything running. Unfortunately, while I am running the game, many times it by itself discontinues game and the window screen appears.

Game is not running in the system tray either at that time.

Can any one help me to solve the problem. It sucks, as i have to save game every over and it kills the enjoyment.

Here are the system details
128 mb RAM Windows 98 P III Dell dimension XPS T800
I guess card is RAGE 128 pro
I can run the game on TNT and 3d modes.
software doesnt work well, gives lots of blurring and weavering screen.
any idea, any suggestions?
I am waiting.

??? ??? ???
Samsung DVD-ROM SD-612 and drivers are updated.

Edited By sachida on Mar. 09 2002 at 01:01
You are using a dvd drive and i am not sure that the blc cd{it is an old game}can run correctly on dvd drives.You know there is this problem of compatibility of old cd roms with new cd/dvd drives.I also occasionaly have this problem.But it is rare.I save the game after every over so that i don't lose much of the play if the game crashes.Like you i also have a new drive and i assume that is why the game does not run correctly.

i also have the same prob. but am not able to sort it out. still my game terminates while running. i think may be some memmory problem.

This is somethin i have seen with a few friends too and also witnessed myself. I guess the only way out is to keep saving your game at regular intervals if not every over.
I also get this problem - from time to time. At one stage I coundn't play for more than 20 minutes before it charshed but it seldom does it now. I have no idea why.
Hey even I have had this problem but only after I installed the no CD crack. In minimum install the game would run correctly without crashing.... Does the game crash even in minimum install when it regularly access the CD... Please try minimum install .....
I have a DVD drive as well and i have no problems whatsoever...Maybe if u turn off commentary and sound..It might continue(??????????)
Well guys,

It seems that problem is solved by itself. I dont know how. I dont have any clue either.

I play on the shared resources lab in my research center on week ends. Now it works fine after a week.

well, hopefully it will stay that way.


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