Pc name-Adityacricketer
Franchise team-Mumbai
PC Name:- Binnu
Team:- Hyderabad
I would like to book the Hyderabad franchise in advance in case Binnu had other ideas.
Let me know if there's any vCash to be sent for it.
Registration Form:-
PC Name:-vickyrox!
vickyrox added 0 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...
Vcash sent!
Didn't you read the second post of this thread?
bcvstheworld added 0 Minutes and 38 Seconds later...
Here it is..
bcvstheworld added 0 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...
and yeah...vCash sent yesterday.
PC Name:-Masood1995
I wanted to have Delhi, but as Vickyrox has taken it, so I will go with Kanpur.
Anyways, I will talk to Vickyrox whether I can have Delhi or not.
Till then, this is my form:
PC Name:- yudi28
Team:- Kanpur