Take you pick from the two that haven't been taken.
Right, just got to find a manager for the 8th team (whichever team Good doesn't pick) and then we can start.
Here are my plans for this from now on;
- At least 1 match to be played every day (if i get the line-ups), but i'm hoping to be able to post at least 2 matches every day.
- For Season 2, I hope that I will find 2 managers who will be able to expand the number of teams to 10. I'm going to rebrand the league to "American State Cricket". This will consist of the OD Competition remaining as it is now, and a FC Knockout being introduced as a Pre-Season thing.
- However, State Cricket means that only one team can be from each state, there are plenty of states, but a few teams will have to have a play-off to determine which team represents their state, and which team moves to another state. Some teams will then have to be re-named as well.
More details regarding Season 2 will be made known soon.