An honest review



This is an honest review of the game and I have only been playing for 3 hours. I will ensure review wont stop tonight but will continue over the next few days when I start playing a bit more over the weekend.

My first opinion :

Got the game today, had a session (English county) and mixed reactions from me on this. I reserve certain comments on gameplay as of now given short of play. Just to aid my comments, here are my pc specs :

XP2100 AMD CPU, 768 MB DDR Ram, AGP Geforce Ti4200 128 MB Graphics card. Not the best but certainly way over what is recommended by EA.

A. Game Installation :

1. Piece of cake, no issues at all.

B. Game display settings :

1. 1028 x 1024 - 32 bits
2. video screens - yes
3. shadows - on
4. Force LOD - High
5. Texture Filtering - Trilinear
6. Pitch detail - On

C. Review on graphics (will be adding other parts of the game as and when I try it)

Animation sucks big time, sorry guys but BLC was just too polished compared to Cricket 2004. The players look absolute pooh and umpire is no good rather C2k2 umpire is Tom Cruise in comparison to this fella.

Bowler knows only one way of collecting the ball, over his head. A throw heading at knee high after pitching suddenly appears over his head.

The textures are very nice and the details are good.

Ball physics : Not present at all, its just too disappointing. A ball heading way over the diving Cover-point fielder appears in his hand from nowhere. Missing frames wont really explain how the ball came down perpendicular(bermuda triangle seems to have a hand here). Truly disappointing. At times the ball heading through the keeper's waist appears in the WK gloves out of nowhere.

I dont really want to explain much about batting animations as well or do you really want me to? Hows this for a sample, the bat is never held by the batsman but at times the shot execution looks pretty good.

The fielders and WK are either captured in Slowmo or sprinting. The wicket keeper and the fielders sprint in slowmo like on a treadmill, they take ages to get to the ball and they all look like they are overfed with pies and pints of beer. Dont worry about the height, weight and looks of the players, they all look ugly (we can live with this and surely there are many talented guys in this forum who can fix this).

Crowd is simply the old single dimension card boards who have no emotion or thrill watching a cricket game. They look worse and no surprises there.

The pitch and stadiums are of very high quality, the weather changes are evident although I might have played only around 25-30 overs. I might stand corrected on this after having a full game or two.

D. Sound and Commentary :

Guys the first thing you might want to do is turn off the commentary. It is no good and is a repeat of C2K2.

I have had only one game and there is not much to write about the ingame sound as well. They were not exciting but I agree I havent played enough to point out if the crowd sound is different in various venues.

E. Gameplay (The important one )
I played on hard mode.

1. Batting :

Feels a challenge as of now. For instance I used Vettori to heave the first ball he faced for six off a nicely pitched up delivery off Kasprowicz. I thought thats pretty much it, the game is a goner. From then on I tried big heaves and missed pretty much each one of them. The beauty of the confidence meter here was that it kept going down each time I mistimed a ball or was beaten. In the end I could not really hit anymore big shots and got out tamely hitting one to mid off. The batting looks promising for sure. Will keep you guys updated if you still arent asleep yet.
CPU bowling has improved quite a bit and it certainly doesnt bowl too many short ones as in C2K2. I had the ball meter on when I was batting maybe there is a way to turn this off. It will really help if we can turn this off and play, the ball does little off the seam and its not easy to pick. The bat isnt as broad (not meaning visually here) as in C2K2 and playing across the line to a ball moving away is dangerous(got bowled twice or thrice trying to glance like in C2K2). If we can hide the ball meter, it will make it that much more harder. If you are happy to defend you can bat for long duration without scoring much which I think is pretty realistic.

More to come if any of you guys are still interested and are keen to know my opinion.

2. Bowling

Not easy to bowl at first but with practice I could bowl line and length stuff. The CPU batting is good mix of caution and aggression although not always does it punish bad balls. Anything on leg is hit with disdain (this is good) the ones bowled full at good pace on the stumps or outside off for some reason was defended. I agree we cannot expect the CPU to bat like Lara or Tendulkar, maybe my expectation here is a bit too high. Inspite of bowling badly I could snare a wicket or two. There was a missed catch that went flying between the WK and the 1st slip. A funny looking run out and a catch to gully by the CPU batsman(it was a rank bad shot really, CPU was trying to late cut a length ball to a field which had 3 slips and 2 gully fielders). CPU batsman can be beaten although after having beaten the batsman you dont really feel like you have bowled a ripper. CPU certainly is lot intelligent than in C2k2 although I am not very sure how it will respond to targets.

Bowling changes are more on chance than on tactics from what I have seen. The CPU opened with two strike bowlers and changed the second bowler after 3 overs although he returned figures of 2/6 off 3.

More to come later.

Verdict :

C2K4 has come a long way from what BLC was in terms of gameplay and has gone way back in terms of graphics compared to C2K2.

Others like Johnsma2, Ragada are pitching in with their reviews and answers but if you like my opinion ou can ask me to answer your questions. Fire away your questions and I will try to answer as much as I can.

My next opinion

This is just way too disappointing. I have had a hattrick in my first serious attempt in bowling. I got Tendulkar, Gangooly and Dravid as my hat trick scalps. After 4 overs India are on 19/5 with Tuffey snaring all 5 wickets. Please someone assure me this is a one off, the conditions are overcast but the batsmen have come out all guns blazing even after having lost 3 quick wickets. Kaif I think comes out and tries a huge heave and is caught at mid on. I will check to see if this is in hard mode indeed, as of now am sure it is but let me make sure it is.

I have indeed been playing in "HARD" mode and now India (CPU) is on 60/8 after 13 overs with Harbhajan (19 not out) scoring the highest runs. It is only matter of minutes he will be out.

Dreadful running between the wickets by the CPU, it just doesnt have a clue as to when to run. Guranteed if you keep a short mid off and short mid on, they will run themselves out. Also dont really get too excited about misfields, once every four times a fielder misfields the ball. It is okay to misfield very rarely particularly the Kiwi fielders but if the misfields are depending on law of averages then it gets to pathetic levels.

The stamina is making no difference to the bowlers as well. I have bowled Bond and Tuffey on the trot for 7 each and they are looking fresh as daisy. The bowling has not become harder nor the speed has reduced, as far as I can see there is no such thing as bowlers being tired in this game. Unless these issues mentioned above changes dramatically in my future games I would reckon it is blessing in disguise for you guys in UK as the game is released couple of months after NZ release. It will give you guys enough time to make a wise decision when its released.
is there something wrong with your computer?are you sycho?it visually looks tons better than cricket2002.theres plenty of ball physics.and when the keeper and the bowler take the ball from the fielders who throw it back it is really good compared to cricket 2002.
You all right son? You either agree or disagree, dont get to abusing. Honestly I would love to be proved wrong but at the moment I am quite disappointed. How about you have a peek at the scorecard? Have a look :


  • Cricket2004_2003_12_18_19_44_26_26.jpg
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sorry for being abusive i just think you should post a review once you've played it alot.your playing it on easy and it's a green pitch right?but you can stll do that even when it's not a green more thing don't call me's demeaning.he he he.
Originally posted by sachin@Dec 18 2003, 12:31 PM
sorry for being abusive i just think you should post a review once you've played it alot.your playing it on easy and it's a green pitch right?but you can stll do that even when it's not a green more thing don't call me's demeaning.he he he.
Fair enough if you reckon I have to play it for a while before posting a review but the kind of scores CPU has manged to score in my first ever game gives a first hand look at the game. I am not playing it on easy its on "HARD" and surely will not call you "SON". If anyone wishes to see few screen shots of this game which I find dodgy, let me know.
i have'nt tried it on hard yet but sometimes is is quite hard to bowl teams out.if you say it's on hard then it's hard.
Originally posted by barmyarmy@Dec 18 2003, 02:25 PM
Any luck with the editing side of things yet Ravi? We're all relying on you...? ;D:
Mate am a bit pissed with this game at the moment. Surely though this will require a mamooth effort from one and all to get it to certain level of playability. It will rather be sooner than later the editing of the gamefiles for sure. I will give a go this weekend sometime; have you got the game yet and how about Vineet?
Vineet hasn't, he should be getting it next week. I'm getting it monday week. This game sounds like it's going to have a lifespan of about 2 months if we can't edit it properly...
Hmm my game hasnt arrived yet, How come you cant edit it properly? The editor looked pretty conclusive to me! (Except you cant change team names)
here are some questions for you ravi

1. Is it possible to edit the line up that is selected for the computer controlled team. it was really annoying in c2002 to see shoaib akthar always ignored for pakistan.

2. does the crowd move besides the applause?

3. does the subcontinent crowd make more noise than just a few claps ala BLC.

4. I didn't see indian stadiums in the list like hyderabad, ahmedabad mohali etc are they there?

5. can someone post some night game screenshots. in c2002 the 4 shadows that appear in night games were not very well defined. are they in c2004?

6. is there a first person camera angle from behind the batsman. is it possible to freely switch camera angles to bat from like BLC rather than being limited to certain angles like c2002. how good is the first person camera angle is it usable for batting.

7. I noticed black sight screens are missing is this the case

8. Is it possible to switch to wearing caps rather than helmets

9. do subcontinent crowd look white or are there people that look like indians. does the crowd hold up pictures and signs? is there any horns or music?

10. has the ball physics improved from c2002?

11. do the batsmen still run like injured ducks?

12. do all the bowlers have the same action?

13. do fielders always slide unnecessarily or do they field using tradtional techniques?

14. is there a way to wear half shirts rather than full? hard to imagine players wearing full in subcontinent weather.

15. can player kit be customized on player to player basis? for ex: to insert MRF ads on Sachin's pads?
Good stuff so far Ravid. What I want off you is a complete review of all the areas as soon as possible. I think you are kind of like me in that we can suss a game out quite quickly, don't pay any attention to the muppets who slag you off for criticising the game too much. It's your opinion, it's probably the only opinion I'm going to follow because all other opinions seem to say things liike 'oow the clouds were nice...the gameplay wasn't good but 50 patches will make it better'. Just stick to your guns and post a lengthy review. I'll be waiting for it. Cheers.
1. Is it possible to edit the line up that is selected for the computer controlled team. it was really annoying in c2002 to see shoaib akthar always ignored for pakistan.
I dont know,i didnt get a good look but i think there is a squad mode which u canset the default...somebody confirm

2. does the crowd move besides the applause?
yeah just like c2k2 they have card board arms and they move right and left

3. does the subcontinent crowd make more noise than just a few claps ala BLC.
dont know

4. I didn't see indian stadiums in the list like hyderabad, ahmedabad mohali etc are they there?
nope...oddly enough

5. can someone post some night game screenshots. in c2002 the 4 shadows that appear in night games were not very well defined. are they in c2004?
Somebody do this....the night games look improved

6. is there a first person camera angle from behind the batsman. is it possible to freely switch camera angles to bat from like BLC rather than being limited to certain angles like c2002. how good is the first person camera angle is it usable for batting.
i dont know if it is the person batting but there was a camera mode called first person(could be fielder..maybe becuase i was bowling).

7. I noticed black sight screens are missing is this the case
sorry havent got a great look yet

8. Is it possible to switch to wearing caps rather than helmets

9. do subcontinent crowd look white or are there people that look like indians. does the crowd hold up pictures and signs? is there any horns or music?
i do know the people go color india would have brown and aus would have white, i think they hold a couple of signs and havent heard any sounds or music as of yet

10. has the ball physics improved from c2002?
dont know didnt bowl too much but it seems like it...i saw a couple people actually get edges

11. do the batsmen still run like injured ducks?
no they run much slower...snails would be the correct arent that slow but slower than c2k2

12. do all the bowlers have the same action?

13. do fielders always slide unnecessarily or do they field using tradtional techniques?
hasnt happened to me but people have said they do

14. is there a way to wear half shirts rather than full? hard to imagine players wearing full in subcontinent weather.
hmmmmmm maybe we could if we edit the grapchis the uniform file and on the sleeve part we change it in skin color

15. can player kit be customized on player to player basis? for ex: to insert MRF ads on Sachin's pads?
dont know...sorry if i wasnt that great a help but i only got to play it for 45 but i made a deal wit me bro and probaly get to play it today :D
1. Is it possible to edit the line up that is selected for the computer controlled team. it was really annoying in c2002 to see shoaib akthar always ignored for pakistan.

Not really, the CPU selects its own.

2. does the crowd move besides the applause?

Dont really get too stressed on the crowd thingy, its is least exciting in this game. The crowd is a one dimension card board cutouts which are simply emotion less. Sure you see them lauding some efforts but it can be easily seen there are couple of jpegs which are swapped to produce the lauding scene. The crowd is aint pretty or animated.

3. does the subcontinent crowd make more noise than just a few claps ala BLC.

Not sure about subcontinent but surely there were few horns as in Port of spain and was quite different from what it was compared to Australia.

4. I didn't see indian stadiums in the list like hyderabad, ahmedabad mohali etc are they there?

Not sure, havent really looked at these at all. I am just trying to find out at the moment was this game worth $99 and is the gameplay good enough.

5. can someone post some night game screenshots. in c2002 the 4 shadows that appear in night games were not very well defined. are they in c2004?

Shadows are of no problem, they are four but you can set them to detailed or not depending on what kind of video card you got.

6. is there a first person camera angle from behind the batsman. is it possible to freely switch camera angles to bat from like BLC rather than being limited to certain angles like c2002. how good is the first person camera angle is it usable for batting.

There is a first person camera not from behind the batsman but from under the helmet. I wasnt comfortable using it but the option is there if you wish to use it.

7. I noticed black sight screens are missing is this the case

I have for now played only the day games and there were few screenshots in other topics where the sight screens were white and not black. There you go, this is now answered.

8. Is it possible to switch to wearing caps rather than helmets

Havent tried it but whats the point when eleven fielders on the ground wear the same lovely black 1970s RayBan style glasses. Surely EA would not have thought that far wont you reckon, swapping of caps and helmets accordingly is not present.

9. do subcontinent crowd look white or are there people that look like indians. does the crowd hold up pictures and signs? is there any horns or music?

The West Indies crowd looked dark apart from few guys dressed in medival looking attire.

10. has the ball physics improved from c2002?

I am personally not happy with the ball physics at all and this is only my opinion.

11. do the batsmen still run like injured ducks?

Now they seem like they are training on a tread mill to me. Dont get me started on the animations, they appear very bad to me unless I have lost sense of good and bad sights.

12. do all the bowlers have the same action?

From what I can see yes. The Jacob Oram, Nehra types are pretty bad really. They have a run up comparable to spinners(probably couple more steps than the spinners) and they bowl at around 125 kms

13. do fielders always slide unnecessarily or do they field using tradtional techniques?

I would say fielders misfield unnecessarily. The sliding is quite okay I think, I didnt see too many mishaps. One aspect of bad fielding I noticed was when the ball was hit very nearly to the bowler I expected the bowler to pick the ball up but to my surprise the bowler went straight up and stood next to the stumps in the non strikers end with ball touching his feet. The WK came running picked up the ball and thumped hard a lovely good throw right over the stumps to the next man standing the bowler, it was just hilarious.

14. is there a way to wear half shirts rather than full? hard to imagine players wearing full in subcontinent weather.

Cant be bother about this one but am not sure and if I do come across will surely let you know.

15. can player kit be customized on player to player basis? for ex: to insert MRF ads on Sachin's pads?

Not sure about the pads but the bats can be customized for each player.

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