Are SAF cricketers jealous of Aussie cricketers



Do u people think that South African cricketers are jeolouse with Aussie cricketers.

I reckon they are, especially Butcher. A few years ago Butcher said dat the SAF team is better than the Aussie team, clearly, the aussie team is far better, i mean like the aussie team are the best currently and the past few years. They said they were on top of the ranking of the cricket teams although we played less matches and was not far behind them.

Well we have many well known players: lee, Mc Grath, Haydan, langer, Ponting, Bevan, (really everony on the test and ODI team)

SAF- probably just Shaun Pollock
No Butcher plays for South Africa, do you mean Boucher? Butcher plays for England.

Anyway a few years ago South Africa WERE better than Australia.

I certainly wouldn't say they were jealous though. If South Africa were then everybody would be jealous of Australia as they nearly always win!
Right for a start Butcher is English, I think you mean Boucher! And we are not jealous we are envious. We secretly look up to the Australians and over the years have bought a feice rivalry. I bet if you asked any cricketer they would like to think they are better then the Australians! South Africa currently is ranked as a better Test team therefore we are better at tests. And you have played less but lost more then us so thats an invalid point!

Well Known players?? Only Pollock??? You must be mad!!
Pollock, Kallis, Gibbs, Donald(in his time), Klusener just too name a few, HANSIE CRONJE(for all the wrong reasons :P )
We are not jealous we hate the Australian cricket team. They are too arrogant and cocky!! hehehe
Yeah soz i did mean boucher, but anyway, australians arent the teams dat play bad teams like bangaladesh and stuff. SAF may be better thans the aussie at ODI but i disagree dat SAF r better thanus in test. Talk in now not ancient times, yeah, aussie can say, boon,bradman,heals,beanaud and tuns more. Kallis and Klusnr arent dat good and well known.

Do u fink that u can speak on behalf of the SAF team about dat they h8 us.
Ok, you obviously have not been paying attention to the current cricket!! South Africa are no where near as good as Australia in ODI but i think we are as good in test's! We did not beat dodgy teams like Bangladesh to be ranked number one, We Sweeped India, beat Pakistan & beat Sri Lanka. Only now we are playing Bangladesh!
I doubt very much that any one member of the South African team hates Australians!!
And Jaques Kallis is the Best all-rounder in the World and is really well known!
i think that b4 the world cup finals and the world cup series, south africa were boasting about their number 1 rankings....but after australia's unbeaten route towards the grand final victory, i think they've shut their mouths to save embarrassment now! :P

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