AMA Ask away - Dipak

1. Play FIFA, AoE, watch TV shows (Rick and Morty and Seinfeld are my favorites, I'm in the first season of the former though). I like to go wherever I get really good food. I've literally traveled more than half an hour to go a popular food place :p

I would kill for decent food.... Not really Mr Officer... ?

4. Going to Antarctica :p (I'm not sure if it is accessible to people though)

There're cruises.

I'll leave the rest for later. I should go to sleep now :p (It's almost 3am here)
No problem I'll check your answers.
8. I'll probably date some guy and get free food and booze for once :p Jokes apart, it would be interesting to view the world from a women's eye :p
9. Can't seem to pin down a certain incident that's changed me. I'll edit this if I remember.
10. Computers. No other invention has effected our lives as much as the computer, and I want to learn more about it.
11. Home sweet home. I can behave like my weird self with no one judging me.
12. Kiss someone (:p)
13. I have a temper which makes me get angry at people and regret it later. That's something I'd like to change
14. Going blind.
15. Space Scientist :p
16. Throwing water balloons on our teachers and random students in Holi when I was in school (Obviously we did it very discreetly, by dropping the balloons from a strategic position)! Oh those memories.
17. Compliments are always good to hear. They make my day.
18. I don't believe in them
19. Answered
20. You seem like a really nice and likeable person. At least here on the forums.
21. Not sure yet. I haven't been that active in the last 3 years.
22. Yeah sure.

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12 x from me!
13. I have a temper which makes me get angry at people and regret it later. That's something I'd like to change Same here...
You seem like a really nice and likeable person. At least here on the forums. Very sweet thanks x
So we all know how Sarahaah crashed hard would you give chance to an app which will only allow the people you approve to ask anonymous questions?
What was the Sarahaah nonsense, if it's not too personal a question?
Sarahah was an app through which people could send you anonymous messages. The idea behind it was you can receive nice messages from anonymous people who have the link. So people used to share their link on FB/WhatsApp/Reddit. It was a craze a while back.
But in few days it turn into a platform for harassing others which left people with a lot of emotional scars. Hence I think anonymous questions from known persons is better.
Sarahah was an app through which people could send you anonymous messages. The idea behind it was you can receive nice messages from anonymous people who have the link. So people used to share their link on FB/WhatsApp/Reddit. It was a craze a while back.
Sounds like a rip off of which was basically the same thing?
Ten questions I've come up with because I can't sleep:
  1. What are the first three items you can think of from your bucket list?
  2. What is your proudest achievement to date?
  3. What piece of wisdom do you feel you ought to share?
  4. If I listen to one song tomorrow, what song should it be?
  5. You have to pick a cricket team made of players from any era in history. Who is your first pick and why?
  6. Which one person who you've never met would you like to invite to dinner?
  7. If you have participated in any of my leagues, which was your favourite?
  8. What, in your opinion, is the king of biscuits?
  9. If you were to declare your house an independent micronation, what would be on your flag?
  10. If you could turn a non-cricketing country into a cricketing country overnight, which one and why?

  1. Upon joining PlanetCricket, what did you hope to get gain out of this site (on an emotional level) ?
  2. Who was your first genuine friend here on PlanetCricket?
  3. Rivalries. Can you remember your first unfriendly interaction here on PlanetCricket? If so what happened and who is the individual in question?
  4. Your take on Forum regulars? Surely there is better ways to spend your time than on a social platform like PlanetCricket.
  5. What frustrates you the most (or really gets you mad) here on the forums ?
  6. Your take on social media bullies? Will you openly stand up for someone here if they were bullied by the " in-crowd" ?
  7. Explain something to me that you think is complicated ... any topic .. that you feel is complicated.
  8. Is there a question I haven't asked you, but should?

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