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Eastbourne in 2016 (went to the chalk cliffs), Truro in 2018 (went to Land's End or at least somewhere near that) and Canterbury in 2019. Went to visit London for a day on the last visit so got to see the Eye, go in a boat on the Thames, see Big Ben, Buckingham palace.

Had fish and chips with mushy peas, Cornish pasties (in Cornwall itself no less), the full English breakfast...pretty much most of the rest of what I had was similar to what we have here. Although I will say that an English shepherd's pie is way better than our version. I didn't do much fast food other than sandwiches and salads from Tesco's. I might have died if not for that place.

It rained a couple times but fair weather generally. Although the English were all sunbathing on the beach in 10 Celsius while I was freezing my ass off. I went to Canterbury in the summer so the weather was good, mid to late 20s. Still a bit cold for me but not uncomfortable.
-How have you/are dealing with the lockdowns/isolations during this pandemic, cases are steadily rising in most of the islands, hope youre staying safe.

-Do you think I am cool?

-What profession are you, still at school?
Your first and third questions will be answered as one, since the answers are related. I'm not exactly working directly with confirmed infected people, but I am a doctor (that's why sometimes I'll be posting at weird hours due to how I work) and am exposed to the potentially infected regularly. I take all the necessary precautions no matter what, and when I'm not working I'm keeping myself at home (and unfortunately limiting my contact with my family, just in case I do ever end up being an asymptomatic carrier). Unfortunately, even though I'm not in any of the actual designated COVID hospitals, people will still get sick from other things and do need treatment. I'm looking to get into Internal Medicine eventually, but I know just about enough in most fields.

As to your second question, you're pretty new here, so I haven't really had much interactions with you. Can't form an opinion yet. Either way, one person's opinion of you shouldn't matter.
I haven't visited India. One day, one day...

Any suggestions on places there to visit? I'd like to go somewhere that's not too crowded but still is not lonely.

I've never seen an elephant in real life, I'd love to see one!

Food...hmm...just authentic Indian food I guess. Because people from all over India came here to work on the sugar plantations, the regional differences in Indian food sort of blended into one style that is ours. You'll find each dish will probably have its roots somewhere in India but is still somehow our own too. So the Indian food is similar but not exactly like dishes in the subcontinent.

I'd like to taste food from the different regions but using one ingredient. So take paneer for example, it isn't a part of our local Indian dishes but I do like it. At least I like paneer tikka. But that's the only dish with it I've tried. I'd like to have dishes from various regions using the same paneer, taste the different styles of cooking. So more like I want to taste the styles rather than actual dishes.
Any suggestions on places there to visit? I'd like to go somewhere that's not too crowded but still is not lonely.
It's hard to say because India is such a huge country with diversity at every part of the country. I believe Bengaluru is probably the best place in the country (although I haven't visited there but just from what I've heard). It's an IT hub of India and probably one of the greenest cities in India.

For food, I would say you would need to taste few snacks that originate from the state of Gujarat. Those are a touch spicy but worth trying out.

Being a vegetarian I wouldn't actually be able to recommend you the best food in India tbh.
I'm from the Caribbean! Indian spice don't mean anything, I can handle it. Your spices are joke. And I am literally typing this while moving my neck around.

I have a whole lot of Hindu in my family. I've never done Holi. I want to.

Bangalore/Bangaluru...hey, Tigers eh? We have a few from India in our zoo, including a white Prince Raja...

Eastbourne in 2016 (went to the chalk cliffs), Truro in 2018 (went to Land's End or at least somewhere near that) and Canterbury in 2019. Went to visit London for a day on the last visit so got to see the Eye, go in a boat on the Thames, see Big Ben, Buckingham palace.

Had fish and chips with mushy peas, Cornish pasties (in Cornwall itself no less), the full English breakfast...pretty much most of the rest of what I had was similar to what we have here. Although I will say that an English shepherd's pie is way better than our version. I didn't do much fast food other than sandwiches and salads from Tesco's. I might have died if not for that place.

It rained a couple times but fair weather generally. Although the English were all sunbathing on the beach in 10 Celsius while I was freezing my ass off. I went to Canterbury in the summer so the weather was good, mid to late 20s. Still a bit cold for me but not uncomfortable.
When I return from visiting family in France I love to see the Chalk Cliffs aka White Cliffs Of Dover on the horizon while sailing towards them. :p
Do you have access to a pdf version of the Wisden Dictionary of Cricket by any chance?
@El Loco I might. I did buy the hard copy too.

When I return from visiting family in France I love to see the Chalk Cliffs aka White Cliffs Of Dover on the horizon while sailing towards them. :p

Those aren't in too many movies though :lol
They always seem to use the Beachy Head Cliffs for any action movie.

EDIT: Or is it the same cliff?
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Listening to it on YouTube now (can anyone even believe that YouTube began because a guy wanted to see the Janet Jackson nip slip at the SuperBowl???)...yes I've heard that song before. I enjoy the classics, hell I'll listen to anything. But mostly metal. I will say that those love songs from Bollywood do resonate with me.

Now the original is awesome and wonderful...but...yeah...not for everyone.

Listening to it on YouTube now (can anyone even believe that YouTube began because a guy wanted to see the Janet Jackson nip slip at the SuperBowl???)...yes I've heard that song before. I enjoy the classics, hell I'll listen to anything. But mostly metal. I will say that those love songs from Bollywood do resonate with me.

Now the original is awesome and wonderful...but...yeah...not for everyone.

I love all kinds of music too :D
80s music fascinates me, I love that vibe it all seems to have!:p

I didn't know YouTube began because of Janet Jacksons wardrobe malfunction, doesn't surprise me though!:lol:lol:lol
Listening to it on YouTube now (can anyone even believe that YouTube began because a guy wanted to see the Janet Jackson nip slip at the SuperBowl???)...yes I've heard that song before. I enjoy the classics, hell I'll listen to anything. But mostly metal. I will say that those love songs from Bollywood do resonate with me.

Now the original is awesome and wonderful...but...yeah...not for everyone.

Btw..... Just a question, how would you know what they are singing? Because, these are in Hindi.
What is one Caribbean dish that I need to learn how to make?

Where is your favourite place that you have ever travelled to?

What is your favourite non-cricket sport?

Who would you pick in a cricketing Harlem Globetrotters?

Do you think cricket would be more popular in the Caribbean if there was more glory attached to representing island sides like Jamaica and Trinidad rather than them just being a stepping stone to play for the West Indies?

What are your thoughts on the efforts to rebrand the West Indies simply as the Windies?

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