Australia Domestic Teams ?


School Cricketer
Dec 29, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
I was just wondering if the Australia Domestic Teams will be in this game???

i have just found out about this game and it sounds good is it worth getting??? for around $45 (Ausstralian Dollars)
I think the chances are beyond slim.
It all depends. Childish Things will do everything in their power to stop us producing an editor IF they are going to release an online patch - it would be easy to cheat. If they are'nt, however, they may help us.
I emailed Childishthings about an editor and here is the reply

Childishthings said:
We do not have any plans to make one at the moment. We will be releasing an update to the database soon though.
Haha embi that was pretty funny :p..Anyway a editor would be pretty neat!
If i could get into the database and find the bit keys for all the attributes, i could program it easily.

takes time though...unless i have some help
Well, I'm willing to pitch in. If you tell me something to do, I'll do it, if I know how to. I havent got a clue how to start though, do you?
Well, it would probably be best to start with working out exactly which file is the player database. i reckon its the .cap save file, since every season has different players.
but when i opened one up, well it was at first sight complete rubbish. its gonna take some experimentation...
the only thing any editor of mine will be able to edit is your name, country and the date so far :p

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