Australian Premier League XIII

PC time is about 15 seconds slower than GMT

Is it?
It was 5 earlier :)

bcvstheworld added 2 Minutes and 42 Seconds later...

Anyway,this is my favourite part.The last seconds rush,the tension...just love it. :D
I don't think i'll be able to pick first though (like i have often in the past :p) because i'll be posting through my mobile which sucks to say the least.
Anyway,this is my favourite part.The last seconds rush,the tension...just love it. :D
I don't think i'll be able to pick first though (like i have often in the past :p) because i'll be posting through my mobile which sucks to say the least.

I know how you feel. I was checking PC through my phone when I saw the rush of early picks rush in, thinking I had misread the GMT time wrong.
I just checked and it's 10/11 seconds off, so the first picks will be made at '59.

Also guys we'll be able to see if anyone goes early, because of the auto-updating of posts when viewing the thread.

So everyone will see if you post like 10 seconds early, as we'll see the post and it won't have ticked over on the clock.
That'll be like complicating things.
I strongly feel following the PC time will be the best way to go about this as everyone can see the post time in this case.
To stop confusion then we'll follow the PC clock, so if you post at 59 minutes it won't be accepted. Post at 00. whingers.

I just bolded this post, so everyone sees it. :)
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Na,how could i do this to Hedger?
I'm going for Hilfy :p

bcvstheworld added 1 Minutes and 14 Seconds later...

Everyone's doing finger exercises or what?

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