Australia's Boxing Day and New Year's Tests under threat

I understand and my above comment was not a threat of any sort. Maybe I should have phrased it "Back on the original topic". That part of the post mas merely reflecting the fact that I was jumping backwards in the conversation flow. I apologise for any misunderstanding caused.

I feel like Im on trial...
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I understand and my above comment was not a threat of any sort. Maybe I should have phrased it "Back on the original topic". That part of the post mas merely reflecting the fact that I was jumping backwards in the conversation flow. I apologise for any misunderstanding caused.

I feel like Im on trial...
It's fine, it had been explained so no one really needs to talk about it anymore. G is just an abbreviation, that's all.

As for the topic, South Africa is overreacting. I'd like to hear from one of their fans, but they are basically saying that we have dominate the season, but that it is because others want to play us because we are the best. If teams don't want to play on Boxing Day then they won't, but they can make some real money from sponsors, TV et al if they do, not to mention the exposure for their side and experience, plus the chance to take us down if they're good enough.

As I've said, if anyone doesn't want to play us, then they don't have to, and someone else will.
I would not like the MCG Boxing Day Test to be scrapped either for a duller boxing day test at Durban .
I love to get up early in the morning to watch the Australian season in December, which is the winter here in India !
No matter which team tours Australia, I try and catch the action from the Boxing day test match.

I cannot say the same about tests in SA though, which rarely attract big crowds.
Take the example of the India-SA Boxing day test at Durban last year .
India were 1-0 up and the series was nicely set up but the crowds failed to turn up at Kingsmead for the Boxing Day test.

On a more morally correct note as Sohum said, SA do have the right to demand a chance to host the Boxing day test against
Australia !
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On a more morally correct note as Sohum said, SA do have the right to demand that they must get a chance to host the Boxing day test !

Maybe they could invite someone else over to play it. I am sure many other countries would like to go to South Africa.
Australia has no reason to leave on Boxing Day, and if South Africa doesn't come here then we simply will invite someone else. Every team has the right to refuse a tour before it is confirmed, and sometimes after. My suggestion would be for SA to simply come down, play some ODIs before the test series, then as soon as the New Years Test is over, Australia goes straight to South Africa and plays them.
I think if they shortened the CB Series other countries would not raise issues about scheduling on Australian tours. I think teams are basically squeamish about scheduling because the full ODI+test tour takes a long time to complete, and that's why they are complaining.
Hi guys. I don;t know if this is allowed here, but mods, PLEASE don't delete it!!!!! I am very scared that Melbourne is gonna lose the Boxing Day Test, so, PLEASE PLEASE, if you want it to stay, jump onto

and get behind the cause! THe Boxing day test is my friend, and togethor we are gonna save him!!! Follow the instructions in the about me section and PLEASE help him out, he's been good to us!

I think if they shortened the CB Series other countries would not raise issues about scheduling on Australian tours. I think teams are basically squeamish about scheduling because the full ODI+test tour takes a long time to complete, and that's why they are complaining.

The Commonwealth Bank series is way too long. It is good for a few games then you keep on asking yourself "When does it end?"
The Commonwealth Bank series is way too long. It is good for a few games then you keep on asking yourself "When does it end?"
Couldn't agree more. I love the Triangular format but it's about 6 matches too long (which is 2 weeks). Let each team play each other 2 or 3 times, rather than 4 or 5 whatever it is.
Hi guys. I don;t know if this is allowed here, but mods, PLEASE don't delete it!!!!! I am very scared that Melbourne is gonna lose the Boxing Day Test, so, PLEASE PLEASE, if you want it to stay, jump onto

and get behind the cause! THe Boxing day test is my friend, and togethor we are gonna save him!!! Follow the instructions in the about me section and PLEASE help him out, he's been good to us!

Delete it.
Couldn't agree more. I love the Triangular format but it's about 6 matches too long (which is 2 weeks). Let each team play each other 2 or 3 times, rather than 4 or 5 whatever it is.

Yeah I agree the triangular format is a great idea but like every has said it gets boring and monotous after a while. Particuarly if the games are boring Eg. 2003-2004 (I think) when Zimbabwe and India toured. Zimbabwe were push overs. One thing that stays clear in my mind from that series was Brett Lee hitting that six over cover to win the game in the last over for Australia after that heaps long rain delay.
I think its more a case of other teams getting a lack of cricket as opposed to the boxing day and new years tests in aus. When was the last time Aus played a 2 test series against any country except bangladesh? SL for example are always playing 2 test series prime example being this summers Nov brisbane and hobart tests. I think thats definitely unfair and the same goes for pakistan and NZ.

The whole system needs to be readdressed coz 2 test series are riddiculus and fair and equal scheduling should be given to the top performing countries.
Its ridiculous that other countries have to tour outside their homes during their prime cricketing season while Australia never has to. Instead of throwing a childish "OMG Save the Aussie Boxing day test!!!!11!" tantrum, people should address the issue in a mature manner. It doesnt matter that SA has smaller grounds and draws smaller crowds than Australia. If that was the only critereon, scrap all other venues and play cricket only in Eden Gardens Kolkata, shall we? After all it draws the biggest crowds anywhere.

Every country has a right to maximise their revenue, and SA do too. If it means Australia has to tour SA in December every alternate tour, so be it. Why should SA have to sacrifice their season every damn time they have to tour Australia?
Its ridiculous that other countries have to tour outside their homes during their prime cricketing season while Australia never has to. Instead of throwing a childish "OMG Save the Aussie Boxing day test!!!!11!" tantrum, people should address the issue in a mature manner. It doesnt matter that SA has smaller grounds and draws smaller crowds than Australia. If that was the only critereon, scrap all other venues and play cricket only in Eden Gardens Kolkata, shall we? After all it draws the biggest crowds anywhere.

Every country has a right to maximise their revenue, and SA do too. If it means Australia has to tour SA in December every alternate tour, so be it. Why should SA have to sacrifice their season every damn time they have to tour Australia?
For the last time, if South Africa don't want to come down to Australia, then they don't have to. Boxing Day is a great tradition and generates a lot of revenue for Victoria and Australia. If South Africa don't want to come, someone else will.

No one HAS to tour a specific country at a specific time if they don't want to.

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