BLC on windows 98- help! - when ever i start the game, screen blank



Hi everyone,
Here is my trouble. I changed my os from 2000 to 98 to play the game. (I had formatted the whole hard disk before installing 98).

Now I can load the whole game. Everything is nicely installed. I run the game (on software mode) and screen goes blank with that hourglass in middle, CD drive is trying to read (as I hear voice of CD running) but nothing happens, ctrl+alt+delete even doesnt work. Absolutely forzen computer. I have to reboot again.

I also tried downloading the demo and it had the same outcome.

So what are your suggestions? what should I redo? (I have reformmated and reinstalled 98)

Give your opinions. I wish I can play this game.

Try this

reinstall directx 8.
install laterst graphic card and sound card drivers.
give a try in d3d mode.

I had a similar problem with WinMe - the game installed nicely and the menus loaded, but when entering the actual game (even in s/ware mode) the screen just went black and the computer froze. I posted on this board, but no one had a solution. I did however eventually find the problem - BLC did not like the refresh rate I had set for my gfx card in Control Panel>>Display. I set it to 60Hz and the game runs perfectly - try it.
I tried the suggestion of updating the drivers, i have already installed the lattest one.
So I havent made any change in it.
Here is my graphic card info. I dont understand anything about it but I guess some one in this forum will..
it is
16 mb 3dFx voodoo3 3000D AGP
It has TBS Montego II PCI audio.
There is no frequency tab in property for refreshing.
Suggestions awaited.
Do you own a original version of BLC ???? The problem with pirated versions is that the type of safedisc used in the original disc... So If you have a copied CD then try downloading the No CD crack from

Even If you have a original disc may be your CD's got some scraches... So try downloading the No CD crack...

I thought that the refresh rate would be the best try because many times BLC has had problems with 3D cards. So instead of software mode you should try playing the game in d3d low mode.
It seems l am having bad time.

I found out where I can change the frequency for refreshing.
I was so excited that I put my game CD in DVD drive (I dont know why)(I have two seperate drives)
And comp froze.
It made wiered sounds by the time I could get my CD out.
After rebooting. The installer doesnt run. It shows error saying not able to read the disk.
Then I went to another friends house where I had installed the game and tried to play. (It didnt autorun there either. and installer was not also working there)
It started but will freeze with same sound playing whenever batsman gets out or there is over change.
Now I have to find out if CD is scratched and in that case what should I do?
Can I copy the game on other disk and try?
How can I unlock the copying lock that they usually put?
And what the software -that sapratshi mentioned can help in this matter.
Again response awaited
And yes, I own the original version, spent 20 bucks on that with shipping from

Edited By sachida on Feb. 14 2002 at 18:03
Does your game installer fail ??? Then probably there is problem with the CD and not with your computer. Actually.. If your installer was working well.. then you could have installed the game by the maximum option and used a "No CD" crack which would help you play the game without the CD.

Anyway.. now you have another option... Make an image of the entire CD using a software "Clone CD".. This makes a perfect image of your CD without the bad sectors on the CD.. This image file can be opened using another software called "Daemon Tools"(download it from

This software enables you to run this game in an emulation (virtual drive mode)... Thus not requiring the CD.

Hope this solves your problem... or probably you should ask for your money back from the place you bought the CD....
Strangely, Today I was able to run the installer in my and other computers.
I changed the frequency to 60hz and it still gave the same problem
I tried to decrease the hardware acceleration of graphic card.
I also tried to play with 3dfx mode
That doesnt work either.
The game starts and freezes with first blank screen.
Now I dont have problem of cd getting stuck at one point either (In other computer).
I dont get it at all.
Now one other thing i can do is fully install the game and then use no cd crack.
but where can i get it
if any one of you have that send it to [email protected]
once i do no cd crack there i can solve the problem if it lies in failure of initiating reading from CD.
Thx to all you are helping me

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