Bombard the Buggers


Club Cricketer
Jan 13, 2004
Wattle Glen, Melbour
Online Cricket Games Owned
Ok here we go, we need to join together and absolutely bombard HB Studios with E-mails, they can ignore one but if we send enough they will be forced to reply, the adress is [email protected] and i've written an e-mail to send, C'MON we can do this:

Dear HB,
I have purchased Cricket 2004 and as good as it is, there are numerous bugs and errors in the game. I was wondering if you were considering a patch/update to fix these bugs. I have contacted EA Sports and they claim to have no knowledge of the bugs which are VERY REAL.
<Your Name>

Copy and paste this to an e-mail and send it, C'MON!!
actually what would be better would be to write up a survey or a polll, and release it to various newspapers around the world in cricketing nations... that'd get the general publics attention and would wake people up to the fact. At the same time it would be exempt from being classed as `libel' because the facts are true. Would therefore leave EA/HB with egg on their faces and possibly a bit of PR work to do to resolve the problem at hand.
this is what i sent to HB and EAsports
If you do send an email its best to send it mentioning the bugs not just saying fix the bugs otherwise they will probably play dumb and say what bugs

When is the patch going to be released for the pc version of cricket 2004??

This game is an absolute disgrace to the once high quality sports games produced by EA Sports.

The bugs in this completely ruin the game and make it virtually impossible to play.
Just look at my screenshot attached of the runout bug ING cup match W.A.(me) vs S.A.(cpu) i got every single south australian batsmen out with runouts for the pathetic total of 86 the ai just doesnt know when to run.
How can i possibly play the game with a bug like that.

Theres plenty of others that completely ruin the game and make it unplayable and occur in all difficulty modes eg

Runout bug - as above

Rain bug - when it rains 5 out of 10 times it never stops, the clock will stop turning as if rains about to stop but the rain just keeps on falling and nuthing can be done except to quit, ive sat there and left it for over an hour. (other times though rain will stop as its supposed to after about a min or so)

Lineup Bug - After saving a game then quitting next time you go to resume that game all the lineups are messed up.

Fielder on Pitch - In tests if you skip the batsmen OUT animations sometimes a fielder will stand on the pitch when the next ball is delivered, if you play any kind of drive shot that illegal fielder dives and catches the ball resulting in another batsmen OUT.

Bowler Fatigue Bar - Never goes down bowlers never get tired.

Byes - mainly occur on hard pitches in Australia the wicket keeper allows way too many byes.

Plenty of other bugs but they dont exactly effect gameplay so it would be great if they were fixed but not too worried.

Autoplay bowling - in one day match some bowlers have bowled more than 10 overs

Pitch wear - is there any?

etc etc for more info check out any cricket 2004 game forums eg

Good to see how much you guys care about your customers
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If you send something like that they'll just ignore you
there is pitch wear, coz on the last day of a test match i was playin the ball was very inconsistent in bounce
i think that if we wrote them some suggestions about the next game they may take it a bit better.there not going to fix this game for everyone.
I argee with Jarryd on this one, why should all u guys try and fix all the bugs while there are guys that are getting paid for it there at HB studios? Unless u have no time or are doing it for fun... so send a load of e-mail to get them to release a offical patch...

Cos we know that they won't fix any of them. Even when they released a patch, like for Cricket 2002, it was a complete waste of time.

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