Bowling AI


Retired Administrator
PlanetCricket Award Winner
Apr 4, 2001
Birmingham, England
Online Cricket Games Owned
  1. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Xbox 360
  2. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Steam PC
Now that people can play the demo with unlimited overs, and chase large totals, can anybody answer the following questions

-Does the cpu still bowl a large proportion of bouncers, yorkers or is it more line and length now?

-What are the cpu bowing changes like - are there any (appreciate its only the demo at end of ODI so maybe cannot give accurate answer to this one)

-Does CPU bowl around the wicket

-Does CPU alter fields to suit the situation. E.g smash 3 fours to third man, does a fielder get placed there

-Default fields - are they still laughable or not ?

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we can play the demo with unlimited time facing anyone other than Andy Symonds, so hard to tell..
zimrahil said:
Now that people can play the demo with unlimited overs, and chase large totals, can anybody answer the following questions

-Does the cpu still bowl a large proportion of bouncers, yorkers or is it more line and length now?

Well for the last 3 overs of a one day international id say they dont bow enough yorkers. Sometimes they will bowl a few in one over, sometimes they dont. You can still smash yorkers around however, at least when a symonds is yorking you.

-What are the cpu bowing changes like - are there any (appreciate its only the demo at end of ODI so maybe cannot give accurate answer to this one)

Only 2 bowlers have bowled in the three overs, symonds and clarke, so cannot tell. And with the patch only Symonds bowls.

-Does CPU bowl around the wicket

Not as yet, although again due to only one type of bowler to right handed batsmen its hard to tell.

-Does CPU alter fields to suit the situation. E.g smash 3 fours to third man, does a fielder get placed there

From what i have seen, yes!

-Default fields - are they still laughable or not ?

Cant tell, there is one field and most men are stopping boundry's.


Hope this helps
So thats not the point squiz they are tryin to make patches for the demo to help people wether to buy the game or not.
my apologies - didn't realise only 1 bowler was used.

Thanks gas for answering

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