bowling help(fast, Fast medium)


School Cricketer
Jan 11, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
I want to know tha when bowling a cutter(fast or fast medium bowler) which way the ball will move? I mean will it move in the direction of which it is spinning or in the opposite direction of which it is spinning? :(
Off cutter-Into right handers.
Leg cutter-Away from right handers.

Forgot to mention-Right handed bowler.
Right Handed Bowler to Right Handed Batsman:

Off Cutter-It moves into the batsman.

Leg Cutter-It moves away from the batsman.

Left Handed Bowler to Right Handed Batsman

Off Cutter:Moves away from batsman.

Leg Cutter:Moves into batsman.

Right Handed Bowler to Left Handed Batsman

Off Cutter-Moves away from batsman.

Leg Cutter-Moves into batsman.

Left Handed Bowler to Left Handed Batsman

Off Cutter-Moves into Batsman

Leg Cutter-Moves away from batsman.

Am I right?Because I'm not sure about a few of them.
Not sure about the left handed bowler ones but the right handed bowler one's look right.
Few more questions.
A)what will be the difference in the seam movement of cutters and normal deliveries if
1)I place the seam movement marker on the seam
2)I place the seam movement marker around the seam but not on the seam
3) I place the seam movement marker at the boundary of the ball.

B)how to get reverse swing? will it be possible on green pitches?

C) I am bowling a Mcgrath to a rh batsman.I have tried everything but I cant get the ball to back in to the rh batsman except on green pitches.But I can get the ball to go away from the rh batsman on any pitch.Please help.

Thanks for the previous answers.
A)It is quite random. Normally(using boss' CoolGameplayPatch) the first few 2-5 overs produce varied seam movement on all pitches, especially to balls at a good length or pitched up. Just try varying your pace and seam movement. A bit of luck helps. Also watch the bowling marker when the CPU bowls, it would help.

B)You can only get the ball to reverse with a Medium bowler, just bowl an Inswinger and move the marker as you would for and Awayswinger and vice-versa. It does help at time. We might get the ball to reverse with Sam's new .exe, we just have to wait.

C)Read the answer to Question A.

Hope this helps.

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