BPL:Special Offer! 100 vCash to the members who join my league Active

If I reduce it, the uniqueness of the league will be lost. Already by reducing 4 teams, it lost some of its uniqueness.
^ Yeah , but then its gonna be really tough recruiting managers . Not many managers are active nowadays . My season 1 had 10 teams which has now been reduced to 8 teams as a result of drop in manager's activity :(
^ Yeah , but then its gonna be really tough recruiting managers . Not many managers are active nowadays . My season 1 had 10 teams which has now been reduced to 8 teams as a result of drop in manager's activity
Even I suggest cutting down the no. of teams and then increase them as Seasons go on. Season 1 and 2 are always toughh, but afterwards you may very well get nice managers.
Even I suggest cutting down the no. of teams and then increase them as Seasons go on. Season 1 and 2 are always toughh, but afterwards you may very well get nice managers.

And the testimony of this fact is my league.
Since it is the holiday period, some will be busy. So reducing the no. of teams two down.

Now we need 3 more managers.
Is there any requirements to participate in the league like amount of vcash or something?If I am eligible then I am taking Cambridge.Will post details after I am sure that I can participate.
No requirements. Just enter details and you can be a manager.
It doesn't help when your league name is just bunch of question marks.
Curiosity can do anything.:D
Why don't you sign up?
See, Iridium, it attracts publicity.
Team name:Cambridge raven's
Ground:Castle Park Cricket ground
Jersey sponsor:HSBC bank
Sponsor:HSBC bank

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