Bucket List

Fake Passport

Mafia Mogul
Nov 23, 2016
So .. I think many people have bucket list, even if its only a disjointed bunch of thoughts in your head. Whether it be places to go, things to do, skills to master etc. Off the top of my head...

Perform in the Edinburgh Military Tattoo - Doubt it will ever happen.
Climb Lobouche East in the Himalayas - Im not a climber, never going to summit Everest, but I reckon I could aspire to do Lobouche though.

See Lithuania - Its my ancestral homeland and somewhere I've only recently become interested in.
Travel Canada - Particuarly take a trip on the Rocky Mountaineer
More broadly I would love to see much of Europe.

Learn another language - It *really* bugs me I only know the one language. To be honest I don't even really care what the next language is, although either Urdu or Hindi are appealing.

Pick Locks - Not sure why, want to be able to pick locks.

Saberage - Combines two of my hobbies, drinking and swords. This is that fancy-ass way of knocking the top off a champagne bottle. I don't even drink champagne, but hey, got to have fun somehow...

Aikido and Kenjutsu - I did a bit of martial arts in teenage years, I know its probably not the most practical in a self defence situation, but I love the approach of Aikido. Kenjutsu, which is the art of the Japanese sword. I have a collection of Japanese swords, would love to learn how to use them properly.

So ... whats on your bucket list?
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So .. I think many people have bucket list, even if its only a disjointed bunch of thoughts in your head. Whether it be places to go, things to do, skills to master etc. Off the top of my head...

Perform in the Edinburgh Military Tattoo - Doubt it will ever happen.
Climb Lobouche East in the Himalayas - Im not a climber, never going to summit Everest, but I reckon I could aspire to do Lobouche though.

See Lithuania - Its my ancestral homeland and somewhere I've only recently become interested in.
Travel Canada - Particuarly take a trip on the Rocky Mountaineer
More broadly I would love to see much of Europe.

Learn another language - It *really* bugs me I only know the one language. To be honest I don't even really care what the next language is, although either Urdu or Hindi are appealing.

Pick Locks - Not sure why, want to be able to pick locks.

Saberage - Combines two of my hobbies, drinking and swords. This is that fancy-ass way of knocking the top off a champagne bottle. I don't even drink champagne, but hey, got to have fun somehow...

Aikido and Kenjutsu - I did a bit of martial arts in teenage years, I know its probably not the most practical in a self defence situation, but I love the approach of Aikido. Kenjutsu, which is the art of the Japanese sword. I have a collection of Japanese swords, would love to learn how to use them properly.

So ... whats on your bucket list?
I think I'm a little young for this but I'll ask the old man for his...?
Usually younger people that have the longer bucket lists I thought? Maybe not the $$ to act of on it, but the younger ones are much the dreamers I thought?
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Usually younger people that have the longer bucket lists I thought? Maybe not the $$ to act of on it, but the younger ones are much the dreamers I thought?
Day dreaming is done in the office at home is another matter... I'll fill out a list when I have finished replying to PM's. Cheers.
Will post mine a little lot later
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  • Watch an India-Pakistan match live from the stadium
  • Watch an India-Pakistan Test match on TV - It looks quite likely it'll never happen in my lifetime
  • Watch the World Cup final from the stadium - Both cricket and football
  • Go to WrestleMania - It would surely be an amazing experience to watch it live
  • Watch all 6 PSL teams play at their home grounds

  • Visit India - I'm really fascinated by India's diversity, even if it doesn't look like that from the outside
  • Visit Hunza Valley in Pakistan - From the pictures i have seen, it looks heavenly
  • Travel to the Caribbean on a cruise ship - My bank account wouldn't be in a much better shape afterwards, though
  • Visit Japan - My dad lived in Japan for a while, and according to his stories, it's a really interesting place
  • Go to NYC - Again, according to my dad's account, it sounds like an amazing place with lots of interesting places
  • Visit Los Angeles and then Hawaii
  • Perform Hajj in Saudi Arabia
  • Visit the ancient Mayan cities in South America
  • Go to Paris again, went there once and loved every second of it
  • Go to London and watch Pakistan play a Test at Lord’s
  • Visit Jerusalem
  • Visit Karachi

  • I'd like to be as fit as i can
  • Be able to do a backflip - I have no idea how i'll be able to do it, but i'll try
  • Qualify as a barrister
  • Play football competitively, in an amateur team probably
  • Write and publish a novel
  • Have thousands of followers on my poetry Instagram account
  • Become a Member of Parliament
  • Afford an expensive car
Visit a Gamecon.
Watch an International Cricket Match in Pakistan in my Homeground.
Online on CoD4 with my Squad.
Go to Chicago (would be completed after my education)
Go to Arabian Sea
Being pro in FPS games.
To do list:

  • Qualify as a teacher (which I should do in roughly 38 months).
  • Score a century, or at the very least to apply myself and build an innings for a change.
  • To become fluent in another language (can currently do English, reasonable French, rudimentary German - need to learn Welsh anyhow in order to teach).
  • Complete and publish one of my novel ideas. Closest I got was about 75%.
  • Write a diary of 365 words each day for a year.
  • Draw a mural (even though I'm pretty crap at drawing).
Random Experiences
  • Climb Snowdon (I live about a 20 minute drive away and still haven't done it yet).
  • I'd quite like to try to lift an Irish wolfhound. Bonus points if it's my own.
  • A little part of me wants to try skydiving. A huge part of me finds that terrifying.
  • Go on a blind date (assuming that this is still a thing that happens).
  • Meet the reigning monarch (our present Queen if possible).
  • Fall in love. Mutually please.
  • To get the train all the way from Hong Kong back home. Also would be nice to be able to afford that.
  • Walking holiday from Wurzburg to Fussen - should take about a month.
  • I'd like to stand at the top of Guiata tower in San Marino. Could probably incorporate it into a European micro-state tour to see Andorra, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, San Marino & Vatican City, as well as some non-sovereign places like Faroes, Gibraltar or Heligoland.

- - - - - - -

To be fair, there are quite a lot of things that I've done already. Each time I complete something from one of those five categories, I replace it with something new.
Here are some of the things I wanna do before I die.

  • Be able to be in New York City, I want a taste of the big apple. I don't just wanna visit it, I wanna live there and make a living there.
  • Spend a holiday in the Swat Valley.
  • Be a successful a professional wrestler. Make of it what You will.
  • Also, be a successful comic-book writer. Surprised coming from a fictional-warfare fan?
  • Meet CM Punk. I'm a huge mark for that man, I just love that dude, he taught me that it's okay to be different. And it's okay to stand up, and fight for what You believe in.
    Fall in love. Mutually please.
  • Meet Matthew Perry. You didn't see that coming, did You?
  • Be a mixed-martial artist.
  • Be a really good drawer/painter/artist. I just have this fascination with bright colours. This also helps me be a comic-book writer.
  • Have a really good physique. I want to work out, and burn all that fat that I gained from a horrendous diet that I've had for years, now.
  • Improve my vocabulary and English.
Random stuff
  • Watch a high-standard international cricket match in my hometown of Karachi, in the stadium. Live.
  • Watch an India-Pakistan match live from the stands.
  • Attend the Oscars.
This looks like fun.

  • First things first, get my driver's license. It's about bloody time 'cause many of my friends have already got theirs.
  • Do something inspirational that'll motivate others to overcome their fears and weaknesses in life, and make my name well known. That's all I'm gonna say for now.
  • Get my body fat percentage to below 10%.
  • Open a fitness studio of my own someday. Will only try it once I tick the box above.
  • Start my own chain of fitness centres.
  • Play in a cricket match that's noteworthy enough to get myself a profile on CricketArchive at the very least.
  • Earn one of these for my Facebook profile.
  • Be able to afford an expensive sports car someday.
  • Learn how to cook all kinds of dishes. I can do the basic stuff I eat on a regular basis, but not much more than that. My dad used to be a great cook.
  • Learn to use photoshop at some point, however unlikely that is.
  • Start my own YouTube channel and star in my own productions.
  • Start a cricket blog of my own someday. I know I can do it if I actually try.
  • Learn how to calculate statistics from many different sports. I just love stats.
  • Attend a live Cricket World Cup match and a Test match involving my country.
  • Attend a live FIFA World Cup match.
  • Outdrink a German at a beer drinking contest. My late father managed it once.
  • Imitate this awesome scene as accurately as possible in front of a sizeable crowd. It'd be great if someone took a proper video of me doing it when I make my attempt.
  • Spend some time in a casino in Las Vegas.
  • Drive around in a 1967 Chevrolet Impala like the two characters from my favorite TV show.
  • Play fetch with a Tibetan Mastiff.
  • Climb to the very top of the Empire State Building and imitate King Kong like I've always wanted to as a kid.
  • Smoke a joint in Cuba, though I'm not really the smoking type. Just as a one time thing.
  • Stand atop the Great Wall of China someday.
  • Visit the Stonehenge once again. Did it once when I was a kid, but can't remember any of it.
  • Travel around to as many parts of my own country India as possible.
  • Visit Pakistan someday; my ancestors were from Lahore and Multan before the partition happened. Some of my best online pals are also from there.
  • Travel to Germany. Know a few people living in Dusseldorf and they've been asking me to visit for ages. Would also like to see Hitler's bunker, the Soviet War Memorial among other things in person.
  • I'm a bit of a history buff, so I'd also like to visit places in Europe that were most affected by the two World Wars and learn as much as I can about what happened in detail.
  • Travel to the UK. That's where my maternal grandparents live and I haven't had a chance to meet them since I was a kid.
  • Go to some wildlife reserves in Africa where you can see the animals roam freely in their natural habitats. Zoos are bloody depressing.
  • Visit China, Hong Kong, Singapore and a few countries in the Middle East.
  • Travel to the US, Canada & Mexico.
  • Visit New Zealand. Especially the locations where my all-time favorite movie series LOTR & The Hobbit were filmed.
  • Would also like to visit Australia sometime. I've heard the beer is good, and I really wanna see some kangaroos live in the flesh
  • Be able to lift some extremely heavy ass weights at the gym and master all bodyweight exercises.
  • Master at least one martial art. What can I say, I want to be able to kick ass literally.
  • Master at least one musical instrument. Preferably the guitar, so I can play this badass tune to myself whenever it pleases me.
  • Be able to converse fluently in French, German, Italian, Spanish & Japanese.
  • Learn basic life-saving techniques and first-aid techniques that may come in handy during emergency situations.
  • Learn how to pose like a professional in front of a camera.
  • I also want to learn to sing and dance as well I possibly can.
  • Meet some people I've come to know well on these forums in real life. Especially the fellas I've known for a while in the leagues section. I'd definitely treat you to a round of drinks or biryani (whichever you prefer), or both if necessary.
  • Meet both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone in person if that's possible.
  • Fall for somebody who's as crazy in the head as me and has a love for old rock music.
I'd definitely treat you to a round of drinks or biryani, whichever you prefer.


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