

International Coach
May 17, 2003
Online Cricket Games Owned
None of my fielders catch in the outfield... They all drop them. Aussies dropped all 4 now thats weird. Only my keeper and bowler have held on and slip ofcourse, however my slip Sarwan dropped a sharp chance, now thats cool. Cuz in all other versions the slips cant drop a catch! Now in the demo we cant do manual fielding right?
u have to stop the timer thing on the line with the 2 button and if its in the green part itll be a catch
yeh u have 2 time ure catches or the fieldsman will drop them easily, same with ure throws back 2 the keeper, u have 2 time them otherwise it wont be a flat and a sharp throw
Yeah, it's not a bug, you have to stop the meter in the green zone for a catch or a nice throw.

Read the screens while the game loads up to see a detailed guide on how to do it. :drink
hey guys,
for some reason the bar doesn't ever come up on my laptop
otherwise the game runs perfect
ne suggestions
hmmm i think someone has said that before. not sure what they done though
"Laptops aren't supported"

Absolute bollocks. Why do people say things when they have no idea what they are talking about?
lazy_chesnut said:
"Laptops aren't supported"

Absolute bollocks. Why do people say things when they have no idea what they are talking about?

Perhaps try to practice what you preach?

Rubbergenius said:
Don't know whether it would work or not but just to let you know, if it doesn't Codemasters does not support laptops with it's technical support unfortunately. Just thought you better be aware that we can't help you if the game doesn't work on your laptop (unless it's a known issues across all PCs of course).
Actually it will work in laptops if the system requirment are same as that of pc. Codemasters do not guarantee about laptops and they don't for integrated cards but games run on integrated cards. Codemasters wants to be in safer side, so they don't mention it.
i swear i heard ppl say that it works in laptops :D
lazy_chesnut said:
"Laptops aren't supported"

Absolute bollocks. Why do people say things when they have no idea what they are talking about?

Erm, this is straight from Rubbergenius himself. I think he knows slightly more than you!

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