Change Champions' Trophy to 20/20 format?

I think the ICC will impliment a Twenty20 Champions comp in a couple of years.
Although a lot of the major cricketing nations have their own Twenty20 comp,
most of those are only in the first year of it, so only a few countries will have any
real experience with the 20/20 format, therefor bringing in a Champions Trophy 20/20
competition right now is a little premature, but in a couple of years I'm sure it will
be implimented.
Well, I like some of the responses. Andrew G, I see your point about now being a little premature, but the first time it could be possibly implemented (if it were to replace the existing Champions Trophy), would be 2008, which gives, essentially 3 years for domestic comps to get used to it. Certainly, if such a tournament were played now, England would almost certainly win, as their players have the most experience, but a bit of time will even that up.

To the couple of people who dont think 20/20 is that big or important, have a look at the interest it generated in England. All of a sudden, the county teams have lots of supporters, rather than just the few hardcore fans. Here in Australia, people were ringing the radio this morning, saying they had never been interested in Cricket in their lives, never watched it before last night, and that they LOVED it!!! So, I think it has a big future, even if there are purists among us who dont enjoy quiote so much.

To be honest, I'm not the greatest fan of 20/20, I think it seems a bit trivial, too rushed, but it is defintiely a fantastic concept, both in financial terms, and in the interest of widening the appeal of cricket, worldwide.
No way, 20/20 sucks big time.

I just read something very very interesting, it turns out that who ever bats first in a 20/20 match wins most of the time. The last 7 matches I have seen the team batting first won.
ajay2k5 said:
I just read something very very interesting, it turns out that who ever bats first in a 20/20 match wins most of the time. The last 7 matches I have seen the team batting first won.
New Zealand beat South Africa batting second.

In one of the semi finals, and the final of the International Twenty20 Club Championship, Faisalabad Wolves won batting second.

Just a thought, rather than have a Twenty20 world cup, wouldn't it be even better if we could get cricket back in the Commonwealth Games and the Olympics?
I think they are thinking of implementing a Twenty20 cup in the Commenwealth games in 2010. Would be a good idea and possibly in the future the Olympics. Baseball is being kicked out of the games so perhaps cricket can replace it.
Yup, stuff the champions trophy, bring on 20/20 cricket.

I don't understand how anyone could say that 20/20 cricket isnt the most entertaining format of cricket around. That's what cricket needs to draw more fans, excitement. And it's working like a charm already.....
Exactly, last night it drew a record crowd at the GABBA and 2.5 million viewers in Aus and even beat the Socceroos World Cup qualifier.
It would be more fitting it Twenty20 was first implemented into the Olympics and in particular in 2012. As this way it's debut would be in the Country that came up with the concept.
andrew_nixon said:
New Zealand beat South Africa batting second.

In one of the semi finals, and the final of the International Twenty20 Club Championship, Faisalabad Wolves won batting second.

Just a thought, rather than have a Twenty20 world cup, wouldn't it be even better if we could get cricket back in the Commonwealth Games and the Olympics?

It had been discussed that 20-20 cricket would feature in the 2012 olympic games in London, as we already have the adequate facilities to do so.
meh, if you don't make ODI's in 20 over matches completly, im happy. Maybe not a Champs Trophy, but a Twenty20 champion ship wouldn't be bad.
I think...

Nope, The ICC Champions Trophy should stay 50-fifty over game. However, I want to see an ICC 20-20 Cup. The 20-20 can be held every year, that decides to 20-20 Champs.

So it goes like this

ICC World Cup (once every 4 year)
ICC Champions Trophy ((once every 2 year)
ICC 20-20 Cup (once a year)

usy57_pak said:
ICC World Cup (once every 4 year)
ICC Champions Trophy ((once every 2 year)
ICC 20-20 Cup (once a year)

The calendar is too full already to fit in a brand new tournament. Everybody says that the players are already knackered from the current schedules.
If there's a Twenty20 Cup, they should scrap the champions trophy. What's the point of having both? Also, interestingly the game hasn't been picked up by the BCCI yet. In fact, they seem pretty negatively deposed towards implementing it into the domestic schedule. It would certainly boost excitement back into the domestic scene. I, for one, have never felt the inclination to go watch a domestic match.

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