
Outlander said:
i know but why search for them when you can play for them

Impatient, but they arnt cheats my friend :)

Orite guys give him a break now :p he's slipped up i know...
well anyone got the unlocked codes yet, which u meant to type in the options?
you know whats funny.... after 2 pages in this thread there are people who have unlocked some cheats and NONE of them are submitting them here....just do it its not cheating u can unlock in the damn game they r addons !!!!!
yeah man , who cares at the end of the day if we be cheatin,
sharmaz said:
you know whats funny.... after 2 pages in this thread there are people who have unlocked some cheats and NONE of them are submitting them here....just do it its not cheating u can unlock in the damn game they r addons !!!!!

its obvious people on here dont know the cheats, just play the game and see what you get at the end of each match, thats all im doing and havnt got cheats yet, but will get them.....
No one will post them because there differant for each ID. So if someone said "This cheat is X,Y,Up,Up" It would be completly differant for you.
can u list the cheats and what they do cause i cant find them anywhere
Simbazz said:
They're not cheats, they're add ons, such as the ball placer telling you which is a good length or not, these dont make gameplay easier - how the hell can BLIC be any easier? :p
BLIC is never easy :mad gosh :upray
i no a cheat u have to catch every ball wat goes in the air if u drop 1 u dont unlock a cheat so its very hard i dropped a catch wen i was keeping very frustrating. LOL

Also maybe if u remember 2005 cheats some of them might be the same it can be posible.
I found 2 codes

Unlock the Classic Players GONEFORADUCK
Unlock the Picture Gallery SLEDGING

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