Click Here To Get Your Pirate Copy Of BLIC


Chairman of Selectors
Mar 13, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
Yea right you dumb F*c*k* :rolleyes:


This should stop future posts of, where can i get pirate versions of BLIC.
ha ha why would someone buy a pirate copy though?
i'm buying it on ps2 cos it will run better and i like games on ps2 cos theyre fun with friends. it was this or cricket05 and i chose to buy this one, well i'll order it soon and buy this one no doubt, might buy cricket2005 when it comes down eventually.
codies deserve our money for this game and rubber has kept us in contact the whole way through, i dont knw how someone could pirate it.
Benny said:
i dont knw how someone could pirate it.

you need a special program and a cd burner. i have never burnt any game cd but thats how you do it. now you know
MWaugh said:
you need a special program and a cd burner. i have never burnt any game cd but thats how you do it. now you know
i think he was talking about morally....
the manual doesnt help much though you can see all the controls on the edit sreen
The_gas said:
:eek: Bradley, you know me by now.
It was up as the most recent post, I'm really not as dumb as I look :p

I had my list of witty locking thread remarks out too, I'm really quite disappointed :mad:
I think codies will use fade protection on their cd's as they have used in the past. This means the gameplay will deterriorate on copied discs as you keep on playing. This is what has to be done to crackdown on piracy as it is just too easy to get hold of modded consoles and games these days.
Ha Ha, what a pointless, provoking thread...and FYI sitting right in front of me I have the "Official" version and have registered it!!!!

Have a nice day!!!

Steve S.
its another dumb thread. as all know no piration on this website supported.
may be some new ones caughht

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