Codemasters Brian Lara/Lauren Pope Caption Competition!


Retired Administrator
Mar 12, 2003
Posted by RG here:

We're releasing the nine photos of Lauren Pope (a UK 'model') promoting Brian Lara International Cricket to the Code M database next week - and I'm just stuck as to what the subject line of the accompanying email should be?

Can anyone suggest anything? Check out the image below - can you think of the exciting/funny/slightly naughty captions of about six-ten words you can apply to this photo?

Best one as decided by me, Alan the game's brand manager, and my boss Adam, wins a Brian Lara-signed mini bat!


To contribute post in the linked thread on the Codies forum but feel free to post your entries in this thread as well.
:eek: Whooooooah !! i am sweating ;)

dont see lot of babes playing video games with bikini's :D

intresting competition though :)
That's a stunning shot!

Scored recently?

The ECB today defended the appointment of Lauren Pope as Team Morale Officer.

Exclusive pics of the beautiful woman who controls Brian Lara
lol, now i understand why Lara has not been performing well lately ! :D
The main reason for that is LOSS OF STAMINA !! ( u know what i mean ) ;)
Dozy cows pushing the only button that doesn't do anything :)
It/She will hit you for six!!!

Leaving the field will no longer be a disappointment.

Give her a chance to hit the balls around the park...
that was a stunning shot

shes gonna hit u for six

anyone up for it.(if u know what i mean)
All in a hard day's work for Lauren Pope? Or something along those lines?
Lauren Pope to Lara "is that a bat in your hand or are you pleased to see me?"

As Lauren Pope turned her head, Brian Charles Lara proceeded to spank a quick one down the wicket.

Lauren Pope continues to stump Lara with her googlies.
Lauren opens the bowling for Lara !!! :p

Lara and Lauren run out while taking a cheaky double !!! :D

Lara pulls Lauren to long leg !!! :D

Lauren catches Lara at a silly point !!! :D :D

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