Config editor question need some help!!!

Unfortunately the rep wont count cuz u have too few posts :(
kymsheba said:
Hi All,

Gold: no probs mate just thought i better be polite and ask first not sure of protocol here lol better to be safe than offend anyone.

Barmyarmy & Gold: "Barmyarmy: Aren't those the pacing configs dividing the innings into 6 and setting the batsmans aggression."

Could you expand on the figures mentioned below just out of interest please if not too busy.

CPU Pacing ODI - 50 overs
RunRate 0 6
RunRate 1 6
RunRate 2 6
RunRate 3 6
RunRate 4 6
RunRate 5 7
RunRate 6 12

kymsheba (mike)
I have a theory here, the first column indicates what the minimum RPO should be during thet 6 over period and the second column means the max. RPO. Might be just a theory but can someone try it out?
Wow brilliant theory mate.You maybe onto something here.
ZoraxDoom said:
Are you being sarcastic? :rolleyes:
But if not....will you try it out?

Lol you are a joker :)

I'll try it out when I'm testing my patch.

Your theory may work out mate :)
gold639 said:
Lol you are a joker :)

I'll try it out when I'm testing my patch.

Your theory may work out mate :)
I just checked my User CP :onpc
What no reps? :mad
Just Kidding :D
It's not that. The first number definitely relates to the phase in the game (same as the stroke files below).

As Gold says it is 15 posts for rep and also a positive reputation yourself...
Many thx gold & Barmyarmy and all the others for their advice and knowledge as promised barmyarmy and gold have added to your reps.

kymsheba (mike) :hpraise

Hey guys how is everyone today.....

another question about editing config files if you have the time please...

the following is from "test normal" in the config can you guys tell me what each does and mean, how do i make it harder for me to get computer out by adjusting these values, i want to get the right balance so test matches last more than 4 days, as most end before 3 days or 4 at the very latest have yet to have a draw (go all 5 days) if you have the time much appreciated....

Sometimes out of interest i like to autoplay a series just to see balance of game but never get past 4 days if i could adjust these values to get a draw it would be great.

CPU Stroke Selection
CpuBallBatsman 9.0
CpuBallStump 3.0
CpuBallLength 6.0
CpuBatsmanType 22.0
CpuReward 33.0
CpuContactHorz 15.0
CpuContactVert 17.0
CpuRandom 4.5

CpuDifficulty 0.500000
CpuBatsmanType2 0.06

CpuBallsFaced 0.7
CpuTacticsDefend 0.0
CpuBattingMatchType 0.0

CpuRequest 1.7

kymsheba (mike) :hpraise
Try increasing CpuBattingMatchType and Reducing CpuDifficulty

That should make the difference.
Hi Gold,

mate you are truly a life saver hope i not annoying you too much with these questions.

I have done what you said and are in the process of testing result with test match on autoplay england vs australia so far very promising.

1st innings england

All out 315 of 109 overs 1st session day 2

*this looks very promising so far as in all my other games on autoplay england have never ever scored over 270 and always out 5pm 1st day. :happy

1st Innings Australia

1 for 30 after 10 overs

Pacing is good as well will update after test match finished. :cheers

1st Innings Australia

All out 219 off 66 overs 5pm Day 2

2nd Innings England

All out 221 off 88 overs 4:13pm Day 3

2nd Innings Australia

All out 189 off 58 overs 12:45pm Day 4

hmmmm.....may have to adjust a bit further as result over in 4 days but with england scoring 315 in 1st innings it looks like it heading in right direction to get matches to goto a 5th day.

kymsheba (mike) :hpraise
Last edited:
Nice to see it working....if you look in my will find a few pics of a drawn match...check it out.

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