Control of Length


International Coach
Apr 4, 2014
Online Cricket Games Owned
As much as I've been enjoying bowling in general in DBC 17, one thing that I find odd is how easy it is to have near perfect control over your length. If I want to dump it on one length all day and all night, I can do that. The pitch maps when doing so is basically lines on a pitch, plus the occasional one a bit off them. It all appears a bit mechanical in that respect.

One of the things that I enjoyed from the bowling in DBC 14 was that length was partially determined by how the ball was released, and I'm not sure why this is something that has been changed for this version. As a solution to having all balls basically on the same length (if you wish) could be easy solved by a similar system.

Additionally, it seems that some people are having trouble bowling bouncers. I've had some success bowling short and using the controls to bowl even shorter, but even then, I preferred being able to control length with how I released the ball as in DBC 14.

I don't know, just something I've come across in the first week since it's been released.
I actually had similar thoughts especially when I couldn't figure out the shorter/fuller controls. I also think some people may not realise how to actually bowl the fuller/shorter, it took me till a random thread to figure that one out, although that's partially my fault for not going through the tutorial. This and the moving across the crease as a bowler are they only things worse when bowling in this version of the game but everything is else is sublime.
I actually had similar thoughts especially when I couldn't figure out the shorter/fuller controls. I also think some people may not realise how to actually bowl the fuller/shorter, it took me till a random thread to figure that one out, although that's partially my fault for not going through the tutorial. This and the moving across the crease as a bowler are they only things worse when bowling in this version of the game but everything is else is sublime.

Control of the length as offered in the game is one thing, but the problem as things stand is that it's still too easy to have near mastery of the length. There should at least be a bit more scatter in it, particularly for worse bowlers. Oh well, I guess we'll see what BigAnt cook up in the coming months.
Control of the length as offered in the game is one thing, but the problem as things stand is that it's still too easy to have near mastery of the length. There should at least be a bit more scatter in it, particularly for worse bowlers. Oh well, I guess we'll see what BigAnt cook up in the coming months.

I too was thinking about this seems 'accuracy' attribute is only for line. Also took me forever to work out the length modifiers. I'm sure it will be looked into at some point.
Any tips for bowling bouncers. I press o and shorten the length further with L1 but ball never seems to rise enough.
Any tips for bowling bouncers. I press o and shorten the length further with L1 but ball never seems to rise enough.

Depends on pitch conditions the bowler your bowling with i.e If in career need to get bouncer skill higher :) Also if bowling a bouncer also use RT (hold) for effort ball. Also if your stamina is low could also play a factor.
What difficulty setting are you using for bowling?

Medium is what I've played mostly. I've done some experimenting on hard and seen no difference.

Just done a quick 5five match to see what would happen if I bowled every ball on a good length, from Hazlewood, Starc, Faulkner, Marsh and Warner. About 1-2 ball widths difference in length out of the lot, just had a line across the pitch at a good length.[DOUBLEPOST=1482649556][/DOUBLEPOST]
Any tips for bowling bouncers. I press o and shorten the length further with L1 but ball never seems to rise enough.

I usually hold L1 down before I start the delivery, use R2 for an effort ball as well. Largely depends on the pitch conditions though. I tried a low slow pitch with a friend and managed to get a "bouncer" that ended up less than waist height.

In the right conditions though they're a lot of fun. Managed to break a couple of partnerships with ones at the right time. In one instance they just got a tickle on it chasing one over their head, and on another they skied it on a ball header for the space between their eyes.
I too was thinking about this seems 'accuracy' attribute is only for line. Also took me forever to work out the length modifiers. I'm sure it will be looked into at some point.

Are you referring to L1 & R1 or are there some other modifiers?
Apart from adding a bit of error to the length, which is needed, maybe adding some mechanism to adjust your standard lengths throughout a match might also be useful. Not something as mechanical as between deliveries, but something as you're finding your length on a pitch.
I do hope there is some movement on this one for the next patch. It's more than just an aesthetic problem. Having the player capable of controlling length that exactly takes away one of the major components of bowling. I'm sure something is being done about it though.
I agree, I thought that having length influenced by timing of release was a good mechanic. It felt natural to control and produced variation... Hope to see timing have such an impact again - it could even be in addition to the LB/RB modifiers, perhaps the extent to which the timing impacts length being one of the sliders... Imagine having a late release of a yorker length ball end up as a beamer! :lol
How exactly L1/R1 works?
When should we press it and should we keep on holding it?
Did anybody saw variety in length bowled?
I would add that along with length, there should be a way to vary line for the spinners as well. Currently you can't do so the way you could in DBC 14 and the amount of freedom given to vary the line for spinners is way too restrictive. If I want to bowl wide outside off or leg i should be able to.
I would add that along with length, there should be a way to vary line for the spinners as well. Currently you can't do so the way you could in DBC 14 and the amount of freedom given to vary the line for spinners is way too restrictive. If I want to bowl wide outside off or leg i should be able to.

Yeah, this is an odd one. It appears to have something to do with how they've done flight, but yeah, it does appear that almost all balls are funneled into quite a narrow corridor for spinners.

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