CPU field selection


School Cricketer
Jan 12, 2003
Online Cricket Games Owned
Has anyone encountered this?

When the CPU bats first in a 4 or 5 day match and posts a big total (anything over 400 seems to be the cut off point), when it comes to your turn to bat, it sets an aggresive field until your batsmen have taken 70odd easy runs each (particularly cos there's no mid off or mid on). It does not attempt to change the field no matter how quickly you score or that you haven't lost any wickets.

This is totally ruining the game for me at the moment as its too easy to chase down big targets.

Is there anyway of preventing the CPU doing this (presumably its somewhere in the .exe but I haven't a clue where to start)?

The default field editor will help in that we will be able to make the aggresive fields less aggresive but that seems to be a way off yet.

You can edit them using the config editor and using the updated list.txt file for more information check out the default fields editing thread
Use the config editor.

I have already edited all the ODI and Test match opening fields, so that they include "normal fields". (slips, gulleys, fine leg, 3rd man..etc..)

Although i am not sure how to post the info sop everyone can use them..

Here's an example of one i have edited.

Its the Fast bowler OPEN1 field for ODI's

ID 9999
NumCamera 0

Player Fielder_0
TransSync FALSE
PlayerLOD -1
FacialAnim None 9999.999f
StartTime 0.000000
StartXZ 1.069999 2.064995
NumAnim 1
Slip01.anm -49.000000 AC_PLAY

Player Fielder_1
TransSync FALSE
PlayerLOD -1
FacialAnim None 9999.999f
StartTime 0.000000
StartXZ 0.500000 2.314997
NumAnim 1
Slip01.anm -81.000000 AC_PLAY

Player Fielder_8
TransSync FALSE
PlayerLOD -1
FacialAnim None 9999.999f
StartTime 0.000000
StartXZ 5.845007 4.020022
NumAnim 1
Basic04b.anm -47.000000 AC_PLAY

Player Fielder_3
TransSync FALSE
PlayerLOD -1
FacialAnim None 9999.999f
StartTime 0.000000
StartXZ 2.504982 0.865033
NumAnim 1
Basic04b.anm 9.000000 AC_PLAY

Player Fielder_4
TransSync FALSE
PlayerLOD -1
FacialAnim None 9999.999f
StartTime 0.000000
StartXZ 1.869998 -0.605000
NumAnim 1
Basic04b.anm 140.000000 AC_PLAY

Player Fielder_5
TransSync FALSE
PlayerLOD -1
FacialAnim None 9999.999f
StartTime 0.000000
StartXZ 0.744999 -2.354999
NumAnim 1
Basic04b.anm 80.000000 AC_PLAY

Player Fielder_6
TransSync FALSE
PlayerLOD -1
FacialAnim None 9999.999f
StartTime 0.000000
StartXZ -5.474967 4.580007
NumAnim 1
Basic04b.anm -151.000000 AC_PLAY

Player Fielder_7
TransSync FALSE
PlayerLOD -1
FacialAnim None 9999.999f
StartTime 0.000000
StartXZ -2.199964 0.814987
NumAnim 1
Basic04b.anm 59.000000 AC_PLAY

Player Fielder_2
TransSync FALSE
PlayerLOD -1
FacialAnim None 9999.999f
StartTime 0.000000
StartXZ -0.880000 -1.859999
NumAnim 1
Slip01.anm -81.000000 AC_PLAY

for those not clued in on the editor stuff, the field has:

3rd man
2nd slip
straight mid-off
square leg
backwark square leg
if anyone could some how release a patch for updated fields that would be helpfull as it can be easy to rack up runs with silly cpu field placings in tests
i had the impression that the fields (Fast Open1 and all others) were meant only for the user...coz we find at times that cpu places two fielders hugging each other on the field and that ain't a part of any of these editable fields...

or is it that the CPU also places the fields according to these editable files and the abnormality i mentioned above is a bug???
If you hit a four the cpu will often move a fielder into the spot on the boundary where the ball went, even if there is already a fielder nearby, hence the appearance of two fielders close enough to hold hands.
Fast open 1,2 etc and all the other pre-set fields can be used by both cpu and human players.
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Cheers all. Finally realised that we can edit the fields using the config editor - I've no idea what I was reading when I read through the default fields editing post before - clearly I was paying very close attention, Doh! That's the fields sorted then (aside from the CPU's occasional need for a group hug, as Jonah's mentioned). Blinding.
Sorry Faraz, beyond my capabilities I'm afraid :( .
barmyarmy said:
Prakash is working on it. Have no fear...
its supposed to be my secret project :p
Couldn't we just make a .cfg file and use the config editor to import fields?

If so i have about 20 edited fields in .txt format which could be used?

If anyone could tell how to do that i would gladly give it a go.

Anyone else trying to edit their fields should use SAM'S FIELD VISUALIZER (rememeber to imput "X-values" as -x)
The problem is you have to import the field text manually using copy paste. Tom's patchmaker will be ideal if the file size is same as the original.
I just "fiddled" the size of file by adding spaces if they were too small and delting spaces if they were too big..

sounds silly, but it worked..

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