Creating New Stadiums - My Sharjah stadium crashes ??


Club Cricketer
Oct 20, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
Has anyone created a software that can make new stadiums ? Although I don't know about any such sotware, I programmed and created a new Sharjah stadium, that is not available in BLC. But the problem is I cannot post it on this site becoz it crashes and brings you back to the desktop after a 4 or six is hit. If anyone can help me and tell me this happens then please post your reply ?
Great work!
I'm not sure why the game crashes, but this is a big breakthrough if you can create new stadiums for the game. How did you do it? Do you 'mix and match' parts of other stadiums? You've obviously managed to edit .tmd files?
If the game crashing can be sorted out, think of all the stadium updates and new stadiums that can be made.

(Edited by jonah at 11:24 am on Nov. 1, 2001)

I'm not sure how you have created it. But if it crashes only when 4/6 is hit, My guess would be it has something to do with boundry or ad boards or the crowd area?
Pl. check exactly when it crashes e.g. as soon as ball hits the rope or when it hits the ad boards or goes in the crowd?
are you joking can you programmed a blc stadium ,it is not easy,come on tell me what are the software u used to create that stadium.i don't belive it.and again i can tell to all blc online fans that you can not edit a single 3d model in blc or swc of your own.its all done in studios.come if you done it really post the pictures on the forum.
Dear blc guru,
Although I used .tim editor create some background... I took some tmd from other stadiums and mixed matched them to make a new stadium replacing madras stadium. The new stadium looks exactly like Sharjah and therefore I called it programming. Now if you think I am bluffing then I will try sending you some snaps of the stadium using Hypersnap.
I even know that If you are a good artist then you can use the software "Morfit 3D" and create some good stadium models. Bye for now... but will return with the snaps.....
Good work, Saptarshi.
How did you open the .tmd files?

(Edited by jonah at 12:50 pm on Nov. 2, 2001)
Dear jonah,
I will not be sending any stadium snaps, bacause the things that I have created are not to be shared. One of friends and a very good and famous game programmer told me "Freeware is good only till it is
educative. But the thing you have created is just like the atom bomb Nobel created."
I will tell you I used various softwares like 3Dmax, AutoCAD,Lightwave and Rhinoceros. I used a very good software for editing the tmd files you can find at:
Hope you enjoy this learning experience and be careful in making 3D models coorectlky becoz if not you could cause your P.C some trouble.
"Freeware is good only till it is
educative. But the thing you have created is just like the atom bomb Nobel created."
What ARE you talking about???
Like BLC Guru, I'm having serious doubts about the validity of your claim to have created a new stadium. I hope you prove us wrong, for the enhancement of the game for ALL BLC fans.
I am afraid I agree with Jonah - what's the point in developing something new for the game if you won't share it with others.
Its like me say I have cracked the programming encryption and have changed the settings etc , but I have decided to not share it with you so there !!

This forum is for sharing ideas, and if it wasn't for all those great people out there coming up with new and different ways of freshening up the game, none of us would be playing it anymore.

Just my opinion
I agree guys.


If you don't want to make it public, that's fine. It's not going to matter much. Because as I see it, all the great guys here will keep coming up with new things and hopefully someone will manage to learn about creating stadiums etc.

good luck with your 'atom bomb'.
btw BLC team,

It may be fair to say that we have finished with new developments in BLC..but I have a feeling that Cricket 2002 will come on PC and when it does we will move on to it as our next platform :)


(Edited by Shailesh at 4:37 pm on Nov. 5, 2001)

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