Cricket 2004 INTERVIEW with EA Rep

Originally posted by Admin@Oct 26 2003, 04:18 AM
Andrew_Wilson, the Development Manager for EA Sports Cricket 2004 was nice enough to keep aside some time for us from his busy schedule to answer some of my questions about the game, the new features and gameplay. Read on for a detailed and hopefully informative interview.

Interviewer : Vineet Radhakrishnan
EA Rep: Andrew_Wilson

Final Words

What feature are you most excited about?

The season mode.

What were some of the oddest feature/gameplay things that you guys didn't get in the game? Something in the preliminary stages that fell through the cracks or was saved for another game down the road?

Taking Bribes (laughs)

What's the status of the game right now? Are you having your testers look for bugs and making some corrections?

We are now well into our test phase.? We have a big team of guys working on it.

How do you all balance that fine line of making the game appealing to both the casual gamer and the hardcore gamer?

This is a very difficult thing for sports games.? We have tried to making getting into a quick game as easy as possible while ensuring that a die hard cricket fan can play out season after season with all the strategic intricacies that it involves.

How much do you listen to Cricket gamers, and are you able to integrate any of their suggestions into the new version?

They are our life blood?not to mention that we are all cricket gamers ourselves.? Many members of the development team have been building cricket games for nearly ten years.? So we try and integrate as much as possible.? There are always things that we would love to get in, but realise that there is a lot of work relative to the affect on gameplay so we focus on something else instead.

Who is the best Cricket 2002/04 player at the EA Australia development team?

(Laughs and thinks for a while) I think that you would be hard pressed to beat Jeremy Wellard.? He heads up HB Studios the team that has developed both of these games.? He is the man when it comes to cricket games!

Thank you for your time. Is there anything else about the game you?d like to mention that we didn?t touch on?

Please buy cricket 2004?my job depends on it?and I am not joking.

yeahwas something special ey

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