Cricket 2004 INTERVIEW with EA Rep

HI vineet,
Could you please ask andrew when will be the official website for cricket 2004 coming. Hardly a week left considering 1st december as I ordered cricket 2004 form dvd carve and got a reply that it will be out on 7th december on PC. So please tell as there is hardly any time left or is EA planning not to open a website at all! that's very very stange !

Originally posted by andrew_nixon79@Nov 28 2003, 01:30 PM
Babai, you're a regular visitor to the forums..... surely you know that the interview has already happenened!!!!
He is not asking to interview Andrew wilson
Just ask him or anyone else that When is the site Gonna come up?
I hope u understand -_-
well in his statement he says.."ask andrew" but i think he thinks that vineet talks to andrew alot...because vineet did say before "i have his phone number incase of emergency(<<<keyword)"

Dont worry about the site...just pray it comes on time...what can we do with the site...just collect the data from different interviews?

can we play a two player game in 2004 cricket :cheezy: :cheezy: :cheezy: :cheezy:
Originally posted by 1986+Dec 5 2003, 10:19 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(1986 @ Dec 5 2003, 10:19 AM)</div>
@Oct 26 2003, 04:18 AM
Andrew_Wilson, the Development Manager for EA Sports Cricket 2004 was nice enough to keep aside some time for us from his busy schedule to answer some of my questions about the game, the new features and gameplay. Read on for a detailed and hopefully informative interview.

Interviewer : Vineet Radhakrishnan
EA Rep: Andrew_Wilson

Will it be possible to play 2 players without requiring a gamepad/joystick using just the keyboard?

This all depends on the particular keyboard.? Some keyboards will not support pushing down more than 3 keys at once.

Please buy cricket 2004?my job depends on it?and I am not joking.
can we play a two player game in 2004 cricket :cheezy: :cheezy: :cheezy: :cheezy: [/b]
Answer to your Question was in the Interview that you Quoted.
Im going to be conducting another interview with Andrew Wilson very shortly , are their any further questions you would really like answered about the game , try & make it ones that havent already been answered either here or on Cricker Web.

cheers :cheer:
David B)
I'd be interested to know his view of the patches and improvements made to cricket 2002 such as the Aussie/SA/NZ domestic, Indian and County patches.
:angry: Hi,
I would be gald if this time you could ask andew these things:

1. when is the Product going to be launched as EA SPorts is creating unnecessary media hype around this product , and also ask andrew that he himself is not sticking to his own words about the release date (being the head of the development team he should be aware of when the product will be released) somtimes he says it december 7th some time he sayd december 12 and sometime december 17, is he fickle minded or waht ?

2. Ask andew when (ask him date -- no more very soon thing here!) when will be the official website be up, as I think EA is going to cheat us with a final crappy product without giving us the demo to acutal test the game.

3. I have heard rumors that EA has dropped cricket 2004 and will not be releasing it , ask him if this is true ! :(

After going to various threads for cricket 2004 I am sure that this game was not even made in 18 months time but was made only recently as interview Andrew clearly says that the PC versiob code is still in development .
Andew wilson is really a nut & fickel minded person :wacko:

You have to remember that EA give nothing like the resouces towards cricket games that they do to football.
I could hazard a guess and a reason to all of your questions:
1. Dec 17 is the current date but this is liable to change
2. Andrew has already said 'very soon, they are working on it'. I'd hope within the next week.
3. Almost certainly not. Like Andrew said his job depends on this game being a success.
The PC version is still in development. The 18 month cycle is just a frame they work within. Hopefully the longer they spend on it the better it will be.

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