Cricket 2004 News and Info

Its 9:23 pm gmt. I cant access the web site. is it having some kind of problem?
Ok. I had a prob with some files I downloaded yesterday from They were all compressed zip or rar files. The files were Accurate Aus ODI Kit, Aus Test Keeper Kit, 2 gb batpack v2, Bangladesh ODI Kit, Bangladesh Test Kit.

When I tried opening the files, it said that the compressed folder is invalid or corrupted.
Yes. I have the latest versions. But the porblem is only with those files since I was able to open other zip and rar files I downloaded. I alos wanted to know why the kit updater did not have the accurate aus kit. Guess Ill download the files again and check it out.
Maybe i need to dld it again cos it had the HB version of the aus kit.
Originally posted by jeromedascorp@May 5 2004, 07:29 PM
Ok. I had a prob with some files I downloaded yesterday from They were all compressed zip or rar files. The files were Accurate Aus ODI Kit, Aus Test Keeper Kit, 2 gb batpack v2, Bangladesh ODI Kit, Bangladesh Test Kit.

When I tried opening the files, it said that the compressed folder is invalid or corrupted.
These files still dont work for me :(

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