Cricket 2005 Demo Released - Views, Opinions and Reviews

scousepig said:
If you're getting bowled trying to play the cover drive, you're not a very good cricketer.

Actually I'm quite a good cricketer both in real life and in the video games.
I should've been more clearer in my earlier post.
What I meant was -- hitting shots is more tougher now. It takes proper timing and co-ordination. Unlike C2K4 where a tap would mean the ball could go far, here, the ball doesn't go as far unless you time it just like in real life.

I executed the same cover drive pretty much the same way and in one shot the ball travelled quite a bit further. This is pretty close to realistic cricket.
My first post even though i have been here so many times.
Why on earth is there no commentary in the demo...for crying out loud.
The commentary on the videos didnt convicne me, it becomes annoying.
I have read that BLIC is having official names, yet on the video the names arent the real ones, can anyone confirm or direct me to a post that tells me this please.
does anyone know how to stop the "missing texture" that i have all over my game. i re-installed it still says " missing texture."
I've got around 100 MB.I've had to suspend it all night.My brother's been playing world of warcraft :rolleyes: and won't work properly unless i suspend it! :mad
:) Well after playing 2005 for a good hour or so heres what I thought of it - graphically its great. I have no idea what some people were on about in earlier posts saying the graphics weren't that good, or only average. They are very polished. Great close ups. Gameplaywise, I think it plays pretty well. Good selection of shots available, with timing being more important this time around. I managed to get out almost every way possible. LBW, caught - by the inner field, out in the deep and by the keeper. Yes, there are edges. I got brilliantly caught by the keeper while trying to hit a full-blooded drive for six - bowled as well, run out too. The fielders react much more quickly to the ball, making quick singles more challenging. Didn't experience the "byes bug" others had mentioned. I was impressed with some of the fielders reactions/movements too. A couple of times I got caught on the rope trying to hit a six, yet on other occaisons the fielder shaped to take the catch in the same manner, only to give up at the last minute as the ball sailed into the stand. Nice touch. It took me a few attempts to win the demo match. I hope that wasn't the hardest skill level or diehard players will breeze through matches. Good level for a beginner though. Lastly, to those who complained the game was too slow, or they hated waiting for all the cut scenes etc. The bowlers are spinners - what kinda speed you expecting?? I thought it was played at a good speed. If you can't be arsed waiting for replays etc, just press the front-foot shot button to skip them. Overall, it looks pretty solid. Still going to wait for an official review before buying as we have no idea what the bowling is like and also because 3 overs isn't enough to fairly judge computer AI, individual player attributes/ability etc. From what I've seen, I give it a 7-8 out of 10. Definitely worth a look at the demo anyway
hey how can I get rid of that blue circle under the player's legs?
it annoying me.
I thought it looked good but was hard to score and you had to sit around and wait for people to move to their fielding positions because no button I pressed sped it up. I always hoped batting would be a lot harder to score but I wish it wasn't so easy to get out.
I used a Playstation controller plugged in via the USB port to play this demo and I just pressed "O" (front foot shot) to skip through the cut scenes etc. Haven't tried with keyboard, I just assumed it was the same. About to install the BLIC demo now. Will be interesting to compare the two games
finally got the demo....looks good graphics wise .....animations super but still think that EA overdid it with the players arms....they look like they have sent the players to the gym since they released C2004 :D ....any way I sucked at batting and it looks like sam sold them his exe 'coz the cursor appears just about the same time as when you use the exe.......anybody found a way of changing the controls???I dont use wasd in 2004 so its a bit difficult for me get used to that part of the key board!!
i thnk the demo is amazing especially the graphics. and the faces show expressions.

ahk2578 said:
finally got the demo....looks good graphics wise .....animations super but still think that EA overdid it with the players arms....they look like they have sent the players to the gym since they released C2004 :D ....any way I sucked at batting and it looks like sam sold them his exe 'coz the cursor appears just about the same time as when you use the exe.......anybody found a way of changing the controls???I dont use wasd in 2004 so its a bit difficult for me get used to that part of the key board!!

practice makes perfect at batting

ahk2578 said:
finally got the demo....looks good graphics wise .....animations super but still think that EA overdid it with the players arms....they look like they have sent the players to the gym since they released C2004 :D ....any way I sucked at batting and it looks like sam sold them his exe 'coz the cursor appears just about the same time as when you use the exe.......anybody found a way of changing the controls???I dont use wasd in 2004 so its a bit difficult for me get used to that part of the key board!!

use a game pad

Stains said:
I used a Playstation controller plugged in via the USB port to play this demo and I just pressed "O" (front foot shot) to skip through the cut scenes etc. Haven't tried with keyboard, I just assumed it was the same. About to install the BLIC demo now. Will be interesting to compare the two games

how can u plug a ps2 controller into a pc
You get a ps2 to pc adapter.And one question: what does the big circle on the batsman's leg before every ball do?
could you please suggest me which video card support to my system to play cricket 2005 i have via chipset with onboard display of s3 prosavage ddr i install the full game but the problem is when i try to run the game by clicking ea sport cricket 2005 shortcut nothing happen only a black screen comes out and then its auto comes to the desktop.
waiting for your early reply

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