Here's some info on the telstra dome,
Telstra dome
Officially opened in 1999, Telstra Stadium was primarily designed as the main Stadium and centrepiece of the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Initially the Stadium had a seating capacity of more than 110,000, which made it the largest Olympic stadium in history and at that time the largest stadium in Australia. This capacity enabled the Stadium to set World Record attendances for an Olympic Games and sports such as Rugby League and Rugby Union.
Also, the link to the Old Trafford 360 degree panoramic, if you get onto it then, go on the view from the wicket and it will show you around the ground.
Telstra dome
Officially opened in 1999, Telstra Stadium was primarily designed as the main Stadium and centrepiece of the Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Initially the Stadium had a seating capacity of more than 110,000, which made it the largest Olympic stadium in history and at that time the largest stadium in Australia. This capacity enabled the Stadium to set World Record attendances for an Olympic Games and sports such as Rugby League and Rugby Union.
Also, the link to the Old Trafford 360 degree panoramic, if you get onto it then, go on the view from the wicket and it will show you around the ground.