cricketer2004's bats

Do I make more bats??

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The bats look awesome mate. Nice little competiton going on for making bats.
well bharat ur right about Abobe Reader because all PDF files are open with it........and thanks for the rep guys but there is some problem in Planet points didnt increase when u people gave rep to me......i PMed Ste about it and he said there is some problem and it is fixed.......

here is Kookaburra Ricky Ponting's Kahuna bat.......its not that great because i couldnt find the good pics of it but i try my best with the pics i have....hope u guys appretiate it.......


  • Kahuna bat front.jpg
    Kahuna bat front.jpg
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    Kahuna bat back.jpg
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Cricketer2004 said:
well bharat ur right about Abobe Reader because all PDF files are open with it........and thanks for the rep guys but there is some problem in Planet points didnt increase when u people gave rep to me......i PMed Ste about it and he said there is some problem and it is fixed.......

here is Kookaburra Ricky Ponting's Kahuna bat.......its not that great because i couldnt find the good pics of it but i try my best with the pics i have....hope u guys appretiate it.......

they look very good mate. i think ronny_kingsly allready made that one but it looks pretty good. i like the look of your bats. keep up the good work mate.
would you be able to help me with this mark taylor bat. i couldnt find a good photo of it. ronny is having a look aswell but hes got a lot of jobs on so i dont want to stack to much on his plate. if you could help me that would be fantastic thanks
well MWaugh thanks for the comments......where is Mark Taylor bat.....if i know the name of the bat surely i will find it and make it.......if u know the bat's name so please tell me......i will make it.....

here is a Slazenger V200 Supeme bat....hope u guys like that too......


  • V200Supreme bat front.jpg
    V200Supreme bat front.jpg
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  • V200Supreme bat back.jpg
    V200Supreme bat back.jpg
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Cricketer2004 said:
well bharat ur right about Abobe Reader because all PDF files are open with it........and thanks for the rep guys but there is some problem in Planet Cricket.......<a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='my points'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">my points</a> didnt increase when u people gave rep to me......i PMed Ste about it and he said there is some problem and it is fixed.......

yes there was a problem which was fixed but nothing was done to get back our lost reps.
I got reps from 4 persons for my NZ menu,rep went to 807 & then decreased to 774 and remained there.Actually I must have over 820 rep points now.

Ste or other admins dosen't seem to know how to fix this :eek:
i request those guys guys who gave rep to me in last 4 days that please give me the rep again......thank you
Even I lost a couple of reps for WC 2003 patch and SA WC 2003 kit. I PMed to Ste but still waiting for recovery of the lost reps.

Sorry if I am going out of topic.
well sunsamrat,bharat already told us that Admins dont know how to fix the problem :( .......
here is a Kookaburra Wild Beast bat.......hope u guys like it.....


  • Wildbeast bat front.jpg
    Wildbeast bat front.jpg
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    Wildbeast bat back.jpg
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Cricketer2004 said:
well MWaugh thanks for the comments......where is Mark Taylor bat.....if i know the name of the bat surely i will find it and make it.......if u know the bat's name so please tell me......i will make it.....

here is a Slazenger V200 Supeme bat....hope u guys like that too......

that v200 supreme bat is awesome cricketer2004. all i know about the mark taylor bat is that it was an ss. perhaps a SS JUMBO. maybe someone else knows what he was using? i have serached everywhere and cant find it. if you could you would be a legend. thanks heaps. keep up the great work
hi cricketer2004!!
awesome work with the v200 there!! very neat!!
thanks is a SS Jumbo bat used by Mark Taylor requested by Mwaugh........i hope this is the bat Mark Taylor used.......Mwaugh reply if this is the bat you want......


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    SSjumbo at back.jpg
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