Cricsim 2008/09 Statistics

I'm the leading run-scorer? I'm all confused, when you're free, an update would be better jaz, :)..
FC stats updated. I will do all the leading wicket takers etc. tomorow if I get time but doing it after every match is a bit of an ask. Will do my best though.
I think there is no option other than to search all those thread which is immpossible.
Btw Jaz , any chances of updating the stats ? But firstly enjoy your bday party. :cheers
Although i took 5 wickets in a match last season, i never got to bowl in this one... well, i gained the ability to bat, soaringly. I forgot to bowl.

There's still lot of competition going on for the top scorer crown. But Never mind, i know it'll be a donkey. ;)
Once my two back-to-back tons get factored in, I will be only a few bribes away from that average of infinity.
I'm already there WHEN JAZ DECIDES TO UPDATE THEM!!!!!!

Lazy bugger :p All you mods are the same. You just sit in that staff forum drinking coffee and clipping Stevie's toe nails, which have a growth rate of 1cm per minute for those who have not heard!

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