Hey Cull-man legend that you are, I was wondering if you could make me a sig to advertise my new blog! It's called 'Out On The Full' and I'd like it to have the title, a tagline like this: 'A sports fan's look at the good, the bad, and the downright perplexing moments in a variety of sports.' If that's too much just make it 'A sports fan's look at a variety of sports.'
Could I have these three players on it:
If you're in a really good mood, you could do a larger one about (as well as the 300x100 one for PC) for the actual site. Not sure how big it is but to be in the header at the site: http://outonthefull.blogspot.com Ta much if you can get it done you son of a gun you!
Pretty simple, like the textures and render's good. Maybe just fill in those grey areas with something. What I'm basically trying to say is, yeh you are **** Stu
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