Demo Comparison C2K5 v/s BLIC


Associate Cricketer
Nov 19, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
Demo face off - C2K5 v/s BLIC

I think this one goes to Cricket 2005.

Cricket 2005
+ superb graphics, smooth animation
+ realistic batting. quite challenging for hardcore gamers. Not for casual
+ classy overall look.
- tough batting so not for the casual
- apparent slower gameplay
- not as much fun as cricket 2004.

Demo rating = 75% happy.

+ nice smooth animation
+ forgiving batting ( in fact too easy at times ). Easy to have a blast
+ decent overall look
- Silly headache inducing camera angles
- Bugs. ( one ball went through the batsman's body to the wicketkeeper )
- too fast gameplay. Again, headache inducing
- cartoony graphics. Are we in 2005 or 1995 ? Cannot tell where the ball is going easily
- no advance shot, no forward, no backward shot
- wides not proper.
- no autoplay. manual fielding confusing and needless

Demo Rating = 55%
Yes. I think going by the demo, C2k5 might look like winning. But lets see the final version and then tell which one wins!
cricket 2005 - cricket 2005.exe has encountered an error and needs to close
blic - nothing happens when i try to start the demo

conclusion- my pc sucks lol
belta said:
cricket 2005 - cricket 2005.exe has encountered an error and needs to close
blic - nothing happens when i try to start the demo

conclusion- my pc sucks lol
Good to see that you are in good spirits despite both games not working. Wish you get a better PC soon.

fanirama said:
Demo face off - C2K5 v/s BLIC

I think this one goes to Cricket 2005.

Cricket 2005
+ superb graphics, smooth animation
+ realistic batting. quite challenging for hardcore gamers. Not for casual
+ classy overall look.
- tough batting so not for the casual
- apparent slower gameplay
- not as much fun as cricket 2004.

Demo rating = 75% happy.

+ nice smooth animation
+ forgiving batting ( in fact too easy at times ). Easy to have a blast
+ decent overall look
- Silly headache inducing camera angles
- Bugs. ( one ball went through the batsman's body to the wicketkeeper )
- too fast gameplay. Again, headache inducing
- cartoony graphics. Are we in 2005 or 1995 ? Cannot tell where the ball is going easily
- no advance shot, no forward, no backward shot
- wides not proper.
- no autoplay. manual fielding confusing and needless

Demo Rating = 55%
Hey fanirama you forgot the

- Bugs

in C2k5. C2K5 has some glaring bugs. The bug thread for C2K5 is around 6 pages already when I last checked and its just for the demo.
I'm still downloading the Brian Lara demo but can someone tell me if it's true that the fielders only ever throw to one end? ie: the wicket keepers end?
muhammad_inzi said:
By playing these two demos, I think cricket 2005 wins this time. BILC sucks..

R u kidding buddy. BLIC never sucks. Just have a look at EA Cricket 2005 Bugs.
muhammad_inzi said:
By playing these two demos, I think cricket 2005 wins this time. BILC sucks..

It's all well and good saying that, but whats bad about it? I'm far more prepared to listen to Fanirama's post because he's gone into detail about why he prefers Cricket 2005 over BLIC.
Isn't it funny how quick people are to jump and defend BLIC.....

There's so many biased opinions in the EA Cricket forums from BL fans. Who's to say BLIC won't be full of bugs when the full game is released? No game is perfect. Even your beloved BLIC won't be flawless. Just wait until both games are released before comparing bugs and errors.
Well after playing both the demos it is really tough to say which is the better one as both have their pluses and minuses. On a whole BLIC is different from the conventional EA gaming style but Cricket 2005 you have much more control over your players. BLIC tends to go real fast and C2k5 slow. The complete versions might help making a concrete decision !!!
stevie said:
I didn't say that it is perfect or flawless? :confused:

I just feel that BL 2005 has been overhyped and that there will be a lot of disappointed people when, inevitively, they will find flaws in the game.
both games are so different and i respect both of them in their own right! i thought blic would kill ea ... but its really kinda close! i like both games alot ... love the animations in blic ... the bowling is a bit rough, though i am sure with practice it will be better ...

one thing ea has really improved is in their bowling (i say this by watching the video and also by bowling many times and the game crashing) there is a alot more variety!

and i will play both games ... :D
Ya I agree with you Pieterson. People were so happy about BLIC and they skip cricket 2005 and they like 2005 and they skip BLIC.
Demo face off - C2K5 v/s BLIC

Cricket 2005
+ Decent graphics
+ Licenses
- apparent slower gameplay
- poor animation in some cases (especially in the field)
- rigid feeling
- bugs from 2004 still there

Demo rating = 68%

+ lots of bowling options
+ convincing bbatting shots
+ good fielding
+ nice smooth animations somewhat counter..
- ..slightly cartoonish feel.
- A few bugs
- Fiddly bowling speeds
- will require editing

Demo Rating = 80%

As BLC being easy and Cricket 2005 being hard?

Well, I found that I could finish the demo in under two overs in Cricket 2005 as long as the bowlers didn't attempt unrealisticly unplayable yorkers. The BLC demo has been a run fest at times (87 off 6 overs) but sometimes I've also had the luck against me (51 off 6) in fact, I'd liken it to Ashraful's innings against England, if the luck goes with you then you'll score big but it doesn't always.

Each to their own of course but Cricket 2005 doesn't seem that different to Cricket 2004 to me. It's just got new togs and a few more batting animations. Both games have faults but I feel BLC's are less annoying.

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