Ea have to plan to release cricket 2003.. - Wanted fetures for future


School Cricketer
Nov 23, 2001
Mumbai ( Bombay )
Online Cricket Games Owned
cricket Games fans

there is a good news for us, ea have the plan for releasing the Cricket 2003 ( andrew says )
so i have some ideas about how the game is may be ( dream cricket game )
and in the following list there some ideas of others also
and if u have some ideas, post them here
and official date of cricket 2002 release is 21st June, 2002 but in some stores it available before release date

" and man anyone have idea of Cricket 2002 A.I. Editor "

- After the over or during the Over have This Over so far. EG: 0 0 1 0
- Try to cover more and more stadiums of the wrold like BLC covers
- Have TV Like graphics. EG: So when we play and people are watching they think we are watching a Channel Nine Coverage.
- All domestic tournaments of test plaing ntions
- One Day seriers option, in which any 2 sides can play 3 - 7 one day series
- If you are playing a Triangular Series say: Australia v New Zealand v England and Australia are Playing New Zealand bring up down the bottom during the game:
Next Match: Game 3(what ever it is) The date it is to be held on, where it is going to be held and the time the "Coverage" Starts.
- Before the matches have two commentators talking about there predictions for the game and then bring up the Team Cards. Where it has the pics of the Bowlers, Allrounders Wicket Keeper Batters. Like they do on Channel Nine.
- While batting and when like 4 down or something bring up a thing down the bottom like between the over or something. Coming Up: Have Pictures of the next 3-4 Batters and there name underneath. Like again from Channel Nine.
- it should be released on PS2, PC and Xbox.
- the return of the man-of-the-match. i noe they are sometimes inaccurate but its a fun little feature.
- I would like to see more celebrations and that they be more realistic and/or if possible individual celebrations for each bowler after he takes a wicket for e.g. shoaib akhtar starts running like around looking like an aeroplane.And if possible bowlers have a bit of their own bowling style like Shane Warne,Lance Klusener,etc.That the fielders fielded more realisticly and the good fielders like Jonty Rhodes don't make stupid mistakes.And that there be closeups of the crowd like in NHL 2002 where supporters are shown supporting the Home and Away teams in 3D of course and fireworks and stuff like that.
- how bout harbhajan wearing a turban and commentary by sidhu.
- mulpiplayer option
- The other thing which is important is that there shuold be a player fatigue option.A player fatigue option should be 100% when he just comes to bat and should be reduced regularly according to his work.If a player taking more two's and singles than his fatigue should be lowered accordingly and constantly.After playing 4 around 2 hours his ability should be lowered a lil bit and he should run slow than other ones. Same with the bowlers.That would add more reality to the game.
- wanted good engine like fifa 2002, Incredibly smooth and stunning graphics.
- the players faces should be done like that of FIFA games............
- there should be 4 options in gameplay i.e.Easy...Medium...Hard....Very hard and in last one there should not be ne bowling indicator as many ppl scoring lots of run in hard mode.
- There must be custom tournaments as we will be able to create tournaments.
- Commentary should be of Tony Grieg or if u r not able to do that at least put the commentary of Bill Lawry.I can't say much bout that b'coz i think this is the hardest thing.
- Fast bowlers should bowl fast than others and their runup must be bigger than other.
- Must have different bowling action.
- kits are more real, not like the some teams kits in cricket 2002, eg - India
- new game mode options - like season, in which u can play 3 or more seasons continusaly by choosing any team
- ICC Test Championship option - Ten year Test Plan
- support for all graphic card
- star players play better
- player have skills like fifa 2002 player skill system
- there is a name of pyayers on their backs
- currect numbers
- height, weight, hair style option like NBA 2002 and Fifa 2002
- much more detailed bowling types and bastman stratergies
- and very important is " very very HARD GamePlay " like GTA 3 :)
thats not ur original post i was there at ea forums and those ideas are from not one but many gamers even mine are included
nice job though
One wonders why you dont post it on EA's forum (regardless if it was there or not). It wont achieve much on this forum - no-one creating the game visits here.
Some members of the cricketgames.com forums have made a complete wishlist for future cricket games and even put it on the web.Check it out here
Well Kmk i think its a good thing by sachinkohinoor we should not blame him for using other ppl ideas as we need a single post which consist of every thing as there r some ideas which i posted in ea forums(player fatigue etc.) but as Andrew reply's once in ne thread so this post will definitely help...
new reply on this topic in ea forum version -
Some new ideas..........
According to me I think that the bowlers should not use all 4 fingers to hold or grip the ball but they should use only 2 fingers when bowling a yorker and should keep some space between the fingers when bowling a bouncer........

By Vinay Posts: 9
there should be diff. bats for each plaayers

like a bat's file for each and every player
that will be cool and will make it more realistic

By siskue Posts: 23
I thought Andrew said that no c 2003!? :S
I thought that Andrew said that there will be no c 2003 and there only will be a c 2004.. released in late 2003... but hey! if there is gonna be a c 2003 maxa!

Anyway I think that looong wishlist is pretty accurate, but I think it's missing a couple of things that I'd like to see... check it out

1. Something similar to a HongKong sixes tourney
2. The Asia Cup
3. A Knockout trophy is always fun... like in Lara's/Warne's
4. Murali's & Paul Adams' actions
5. This Hawkeye thing that's on Sky Sports ( SL v ENG series has it) where predictions of where the ball is going
6. The sizes of the player realistic... like Inzamam and Romesh Kaluwitharana looking completely diff. unlike in c 2000
7. more than 2 commentators...
8. A Pitch report
9. A Batsman showing disgust after getting out... it just seems too polite the way batsman go off in current games.. in BLC he walks off in c 2000 he just dissapears
10. SLEDGING !!!! wouldn't u love to see that?!

and what u said about the no.s and names on the back I think it's a license problem... it was there in cwc99 but not after I think CWC99 was done with the ICC so no fuss with licensing but for c2000 only SA AUS and NZ had given full licensing


By dtrulez Posts: 12
Nice ideas
Yeah, I've aware that the game is releasing on Friday. I have been very busy with the World Cup 2002(since I manage my own site) and have not visited the EA website for a long time.

The Cricket 2003 ideas are good. If you remember Cricket 97 used to show in the bottom of the screen "Next Game- Team A vs Team B" in a triangular series."

Also I think the stadiums should be more realistic. For examples, the ones in Australia and NZ without boundary ropes and the rest with boundary ropes.
Eden Gardens(India), Bombay(India), Lahore and Rawalpindi stadiums are a must.

Its very difficult to get the FIFA 2002 graphics in Cricket games because Cricket is a very complicated game and a large amount of space goes out in creating this complexicity.

We can also expect the following:-
1)- Pitch condition (w/ commentator)
2)- Coin Toss (both Captains, Match Referee and commentator)
3)- Players running with stumps after victory, umpires removing stumps after end of play,etc.
4)- Delayed starts because of rain (to make it more realistic.
5) Season mode...wherein one team has to be managed for 2-3 years playing at home...overseas...and multinational tournaments.
6) Players raising bat after 50-100.

By waqar20 Posts: 11

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