EA Sports Cricket 2005 rocks

JANER said:
I agree with you, this game was far better then many people thought it would be.

Your a fool, I mean this line proves it
"bowling properly makes it boring"

Iam sure you didn't read anything at all except the one you quoted. It gets boring because you already know a way to get the batsmen out, then why bother wasting time on giving the CPU balls which it can score on or play easily, its like bowling slow underarm balls to a small child,and you know you can get him out whenever you want,no offence to anyone but iam sure only a fool will try to bowl the same line and length to the CPU so that it can score, what good is that??

calling people EA Fan Boys is rather lame to say the least and is sort of comment that would come from a immature 12 year old. just my 2 cents.

iam sorry but many people here don't accept faults coming from gaming companies be it EA cricket 2005 or BLIC 2005, they'll find every reason to defend them, and immature comments are for such immature people.

BTW, how do i play the cover drive, i can't time the ball properly,the cpu bowler always seems to bowl on the stumps!
i got blic on ps2 from my cousins on tuesday cos they work in blockbuster.
its a bit cartoony but i wouldn't say it is better than cricket 2005

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