edges and spin anyone


School Cricketer
Dec 9, 2002
Albany W.A.
Online Cricket Games Owned
I have tweaked my shots so i get an edge off nearly every attacking shot so i could config them how i wanted, i had no worries until i tried spin bowlers,i had often wondered why i could not get an edge with them playing a attacking shot,well everytime they play one the ball just plops a little way in the direction of the shot,i am now bereffed of ideas of how to fix it,i think i have tried everything,power ect but to no avail,i thought of putting the fast edge configs in the spin edge section but they look the same,is there anyone out there that can help or that gets edges with att shots with spinners cpu batting,if you want to check make your edge mod 90 or higher and get a batsmen in form to play a few shots and see what happens,i think the edge mod normal is for cpu and edge mod6 for human or thats what works for me. Any help greatly appp :help
I think the answer lies in the exe somewhere - you just don't get edges against spinners. I think I've only ever had two in the entire time I've played the game!

I've tried editing the spinner specific shots (and there's only two that have been identified so far in the shot list) so that they are more likely to get edges but I can't say its made any difference. Perhaps another way of doing it would be to change some of the strokes so that they are only played by spinners and increasing the edge probability of these shots, however, that would then limit the shots that would be played against other bowling.

There was a post a few days back involving Tutsi and others which suggested that they had identified a few more attacking shots, in particular a number of advance shots. If the advance shots have been discovered, then you could set them to only be played against spinners - which is fairly realistic - and then increase the edge probability, however, given your experiences and mine, it doesn't sound like it would make much difference!

In any case, I would like to see edges off the forward defensive shots as well - particularly that one where the batsmen stretches right forward to get to the pitch and kill the spin. I don't know which of the forward defensive shots it is though. Anyone?

Basically, yet another annoying aspect of the game.

Anyone else had any success with edges off spinners?
With which program did you tweak the bowling because i don't know how tot take a wicket and can anywone plaese tell me how to bowl in cricket 2004 because i still can't do that
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makaveli19 said:
and can anywone plaese tell me how to bowl in cricket 2004 because i still can't do that

Create a new thread if you want help with this please
I have tried everything and have come to the conclusion that the edge shots for spinners { i think only when cpu batting} is mixed up with the bat pad spin shot thats why there are so many bat pads when spinner bowling,well im 99% sure of it because i have tested with other patches as well same result,i took one of the spin edge configs and put it in the bat pad spin and now sort of get edges but very hard to set a field 2,plus the shots that dont have edges norm ie back leg get these edges ,frustrating but at the moment its the best i can come up with.The cpu bats very diff agaist spin the lengths are diff has anyone noticed,also not as agg!!!!
Well I know the batpad spin file is used a lot with defensive shots when batting against spinners

How about using a normal batpad spin file (dont use edge config settings) but increase the edge modifier and edgeprob values to increase the liklihood of getting edges when a batpad shot is played

I hope this makes sense?
That's interesting Potter (the bat pad thing). I might give that a go and will let you know whether I can get any results with it.
The whole spin thing is screwed. The AI bats too defensively against spin and gets out to it anyway. Tutsi's new patch made it harder to get wickets with spin I think but it's almost impossible not to walk away with something like 8 maidens from 10 overs.
makaveli19 said:
how do i post a tread
Man look at the top left corner above the list of threads in every forum. There will be a button called "New Thread" or something. Click on it and Voila! magically you'll be able to create a new thread. :p

Though I suggest searching for bowling instructions in ur manual and already posted threads as a better option.
Yes Zim i have tried that and the result is the same,im sure the edges dont work for the cpu batsmen,def in the exe,as for cpu being too def that can be fixed no probs,you just have to play with the shots a bit until you find something that suits,using the 3 4 5 length no for spin shots helps a bit,just be carefull they can overide some other shots,put 5 in the pull shot,4in the sweep,3in the main drive,maybe 4 in late cut should help,just tinker!!!!

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