The simple formula is
Summation{(nth value) * (256 to power n-1)}
68(=44 in hex and is first value) and 9=(09 in hex and is 2nd value)
68 * (256 to power(1-1)) + 9 * (256 to power(2-1))
= 68 * (256 to power 0) + 9 * (256 to power 1)
= 68 + 9 * 256
Also 44 DD 09 (that is 68 221 09)
will be as
68 * (256^0)+221*(256^1)+9*(256^2) {Take ^ for to power}
Now start dividing by 64
Reaminder is 4,Quotient is 10101
Again,Remainder is 53, Quotient is 157
Again,Remainder is 29,Quotient is 2
Again,Remainder is 2,Quotient is 0
Therefore your numbers are 4,53,29,2
Check relative values(in my previous post) = 7,84,44,4
Concentration is 7,Attack is 84,Defense is 44,Offside is 4.
Going reverse way
You can see 646468 is greater than 1,256,256^2 but less than 256^3.
So divide by 256^2, 9 is the quotient,remainder is 56644
Divide by 256,quotient is 221,remainder is 68
Here it gets over.
so 44 DD 09