Editing The Gob File


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Apr 4, 2001
Birmingham, England
Online Cricket Games Owned
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Guys, those of you following ravi/sam's progress at PC will know that many of the gameplay files present in C2k2, are present in Cricket 2004 also.

Whilst this in itself is good news, the bad news is that no one has of yet found a way to extract these files to their own folder (like in 2002) so they can be easily amended.

Currently the only known way is to use a hex editor on the gob file and to look for the strings manually. Using this method I can currently looking at amending the pacing of the cpu innings in 50 over ODI's.

Its takes time though to read, change and then save the changes made to the gob file so patience is the order of the day.

Remember anyone who knows how to use a hex editor can try these things, especially if you are familiar with the gameplay files, but you must back up your gob file first, otherwise if you hex edit incorrectly you screw your game up

Thanks for the info Zim. It's another step in the right direction. We can edit parts of the game already now, it's just not all that quick or easy.

Any possibility that someone could make an editor or are we going to have to use hex editors?
I'll have a look with a hex editor once I get the game. I've e-mailed Tom Hicks but he hasn't got the game yet. Vineet and Rippon Jit are the other two who might be able to produce something.
Yes I wondered about tom hicks too - we need editors to move forward otherwise no patches can be produced if only hex editing works - it would mean people posting new values to enter etc on the forums but then people would have to manually enter the new values using a hex editor themselves -and if you enter things incorrectly then you need to restore from backup :(

However, ravi has possibly again come up with the goods regarding cpu running between the wickets
He has found a string in the gob file that talks about the cpu running with values associated with it. Hopefully by altering the values you can alter whether the cpu decides to take a run etc

Fingers crossed, coz it will take EA 6 months (if ever) to fix it themselves :P
Originally posted by Scribbller@Dec 22 2003, 02:09 PM
Common Zim you must give EA credit for the game,
I will give them credit for the game, but I was referring to their distinct lack of interest in releasing (good) patches !!
It is not EA's job to release patches and if Andrew does take interest and releases a patch he is just doing us a favour.
Originally posted by zimrahil@Dec 22 2003, 01:30 PM
it would mean people posting new values to enter etc on the forums but then people would have to manually enter the new values using a hex editor themselves -and if you enter things incorrectly then you need to restore from backup :(
I believe it is possible to create programs that change only the parts of a file that you want to be changed.
Originally posted by Scribbller@Dec 22 2003, 02:51 PM
It is not EA's job to release patches and if Andrew does take interest and releases a patch he is just doing us a favour.
this post was hilarious :lol:
No, we did EA a favour by buying the game, we expect quality goods. These owe us a better product.
Of course I have - is this for real ?

One that immediately springs to mind is the Codemasters patch for BLC.
So far all editing has been done on the gob file. Ravi is doing great work - batting for cpu/human has been improved already B)

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