Emerging Countries Championship S1 | It's Almost About to Begin

Aravind.  - Celtic Warriors
Yash Hirani - Celtic Warriors
Naman Thakur - Amsterdam Lions
Na Maloom Afraad - Kabul Lightning
Markkkkk - Amsterdam Lions
Edinburgh Highlanders

@MrNginator May I give my second preference ?:)
Yes you can :)

Aravind.  - Celtic Warriors
Yash Hirani - Celtic Warriors
Naman Thakur - Amsterdam Lions | Edinburgh Highlanders
Na Maloom Afraad - Kabul Lightning
Markkkkk - Amsterdam Lions
CerealKiller - Kabul Lightning
XFactor - Kabul Lightning

Will be finalising managers by the end of today.
I've assigned managers to teams. I apologise if you have missed out on your favored team. If you wish to have a co-manager then PM me. Draft details to be released once finding co-managers has been sorted.
Draft details will be released soon. Also if someone is willing to make team logos, I would fully appreciate that!

Draft Details
Your squad of 18 will consist of 10 domestic players (players of your own associate country), 2 opposing associate nations (not from your own associate country, so e.g. Amsterdam Lions must choose players from associate such as Ireland or Hong Kong but not from their own country), and 6 overseas international players. Retired players are ineligible.

The draft will begin on Saturday 2nd July 2016 at 8:00pm NZST ( 1:30pm IST - same day, 8:00am GMT - same day).
The round will only end if the last manager has made their pick for the round, and will then start the next round. If however the manager awaiting to make their picks has not yet chosen their picks and 24 hours has passed, then the round will progress to the next. Should I not be online in the midst of this, please do keep an eye out for duplicate picks or players who do not fall under the respective category of the round. Happy picking!
Round I  - 2 picks (Domestic)
Amsterdam Lions -
Celtic Warriors -
Edinburgh Highlanders -
Kabul Lightning -

Round II  - 2 picks (Domestic)
Amsterdam Lions -
Celtic Warriors -
Edinburgh Highlanders -
Kabul Lightning -

Round III  - 2 picks (Domestic)
Amsterdam Lions -
Celtic Warriors -
Edinburgh Highlanders -
Kabul Lightning -

Round IV - 1 pick (Other associate countries) & 1 pick (Overseas international)
Amsterdam Lions -
Celtic Warriors -
Edinburgh Highlanders -
Kabul Lightning -

Round V  - 1 pick (Other associate countries) & 1 pick (Overseas international)
Amsterdam Lions -
Celtic Warriors -
Edinburgh Highlanders -
Kabul Lightning -

Round VI - 2 picks (Domestic)
Amsterdam Lions -
Celtic Warriors -
Edinburgh Highlanders -
Kabul Lightning -

Round VIII - 2 picks (Overseas international)
Amsterdam Lions -
Celtic Warriors -
Edinburgh Highlanders -
Kabul Lightning -

Round VIII - 2 picks (Domestic)
Amsterdam Lions -
Celtic Warriors -
Edinburgh Highlanders -
Kabul Lightning -

Round IX - 2 picks (Overseas international)
Amsterdam Lions -
Celtic Warriors -
Edinburgh Highlanders -
Kabul Lightning -
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@MrNginator is the players retired from International cricket are allowed to pick ?
Is it a FC or List A or T20 league ?

Ah yes, I knew there was something missing. No retired players and is a List A league. Sorry I did not mention this earlier.

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