England versus WI Third Test

So they left us about 400 to get in two sessions which is Ethan Hunt territory. We will need to dig in. Amy got bowled by a beauty. We just havent played well across the board and are facing a massive defeat. They have bowled excellently to the conditions, skidding the ball on off the surface and we have generally bowled to short. First some lunch and then back to Boycott Mode!


Few from the birds......rough pitch chasing the game!


Thats number three nearly gone....driving and just missing playing on!

We need to watch out for this girl! First innings she was unplayable!


Specially with these cracks opening up now


Told you we need to watch out for Baird!


And to top it all the spinners coming on! But I am still in there.
Well that ended as one might expect! Played down the wrong line....I mean if it was the London Underground the ball was on the Piccadilly Line and I was somewhere in the neighbourhood of Watford Junction!


So where does this leave us then?
13 in the first and 25 in the second innings: out to pace and out to spin, both times driving on the front foot to balls that should have been left and defended.

The time in the middle in the second innings was really valuable under tricky conditions under masses of pressure.

I need to hit the nets and get those feet working!

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