EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT! - Flawed Difficulty Patch



<span style='color:#000000:post_uid0'>The new difficulty patch was widely thought to make the game more hardcore but in essence it has had almost the opposite effect. I played a game today with the "normal" setting and to be honest, while there's loads of nicks, i bowled kenya out for 35...brett lee took a hat trick and really bowling has become less of an art with this patch, its all very simple to field. The only problem for me was that out of the 35 runs kenya got, 26 of them were extras thanks to some dodgy leg byes. when you bat it is indeed harder with the amount of shots deflecting in all directions, you do have to be accurate. Suffice to say i got the 36 required in 4.5 overs without losing a wicket, but i was never going to lose anyway...If the stroke patch could be used with this difficulty update then i would probably be celebrating it as a success..but i'm pretty sure doing so messess up parts of the game?...all in all a major disappointment...i did try it on "hard" and i was bowled for a princely sum (ask lisle if you really wanna know what i got) but its way too hardcore and i'm not that good at judging ones and twos..so i prefer normal myself...and for that matter normal mode is much more realistically played for me simply by just using the stroke patch with the game.... :P</span>
cheers then mate :laugh: it was the extreme difficulty though you must know..and i was all out for 40 someit not 38 that canada got :o

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