Extracting files from *.gob using MultiEX


PC Awards 2005 Best Breakthrough
Jul 3, 2002
Online Cricket Games Owned
hi guys,

Good news!
MultiEX commander now supports Cricket 2004 *.gob format.

All the files can be extracted from the archive and whats more you can also import files.right now we have some problems in sorting the folder/filenames.

You can download MultiEx commander from HERE


  • gobfiles.jpg
    93.1 KB · Views: 168
Copy this file to data\config in MultiEX folder


  • mexcomcricket2004.zip
    10.5 KB · Views: 82
yippee.......wonderful work sam of finding it out!!! thanx a ton!! hope to see some gr8 patches from u now..:)
sam help me out plzzz....i downloaded it..then placed the file in the data/config folder...but now when i drag and drop the .gob file in the main window it says could not find any active formats associated with this file!!

and i found this at the forums of that site

Compile this in MexScriptor to support *.GOB files from EA Cricket 2004 Thanks to Samric!

ImpType Standard ;
GoTo EOF 0 ;
SavePos END 0 ;
Math END -= 2047 ;
GoTo END 0 ;
Get DUM Long 0 ;
Get FNU Long 0 ;
Get DJ Long 0 ;
Math END -= DJ ;
Set DJJ Long 24 ;
Math DJJ *= FNU ;
Math END -= DJJ ;
GoTo END 0 ;
For T = 1 to FNU ;
GetDString DUMM 16 0 ;
SavePos FOO 0 ;
Get FO Long 0 ;
SavePos FSO 0 ;
Get FS Long 0 ;
Log "" FO FS FOO FSO ;
Next T ;
This doesnt work for me as well. I wish to know if we can export the changed file back into the GOB. If we cannot then its again of not much help, we either need to figure out how can we do this or should try to find out if a directory can replace the filepath as in GOB file.
Originally posted by rahulm5
sam help me out plzzz....i downloaded it..then placed the file in the data/config folder...but now when i drag and drop the .gob file in the main window it says could not find any active formats associated with this file!!

Rahul go to Tools-Commander options and untick get formats from website. Save and exit from there. Make sure you have the mc.mrf saved in data/configs directory under MultiEX commander folder. Then go to File Association options under tools menu and tick Cricket 2004. Hope this helps.
Sam, I know it's early days but have you had any luck in importing any edited files back into the gob file?
I've tried with a few config files but I get a 'run time error 7 - out of memory' error message.
Last edited:
changes and adding files to the *.gob

hey guys multiex works fer me but the only problem is that when i changed the information in the noname863 file and imported it back to the gob file the game doesnt read it and the changes that i made are not shown

any hints guys
:) :confused:
thanx ravi..got it work now...1 more prob..now when i extract the file they dont have any file extensions..when i open them with adobe photoshop it cant open them...
the other thing you can do is simply change the file extension to .png etc which will enable you to view them. A bit laborious I know...
i extracted all of them....found 4385 files....but with acd see i can only view the png files....i already saw all of these with the dragon unpacker....there are so many files which are not shown with acdsee..any1 knows what format they are and how i can view those...they have got to contain the kits!!!

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