fastest double century

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Club Captain
Oct 27, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
well this one is for the fastest double century in any form of game!

you are only guessing that this is a modified screenie after you fail to find any substantial reason to dissaprove the unrealistic score!!
newzolt said:
you are only guessing that this is a modified screenie after you fail to find any substantial reason to dissaprove the unrealistic score!!

Ok, lets do some maths.

18 x 6 = 106
13 x 4 = 52

Thats 31 balls out of 35 taken care of.

35 - 31 = 4

4 Balls remaining

106 + 52 = 158

212 - 158 = 54

/ = divided by, as its not on a keyboard

54 / 4 = 13.5

13.5 runs a ball? We aren't stupid.

Has anyone (Newzolt excluded) seen a ball go for more than 8?
Agreed, Freddie i hold the record for runsa ball:) (8) YOU CANNOT BEAT THIS YOU CANNOT BEAT THIS YOU CANNOT BEAT THIS :p so explain 13.5 runs a ball you clown
well if you don't want any tough competition say it like that rather than plain false guessing!u have to believe me that these are the real screenshots and i don't waste my time editting screenies!!

in case you feel i've been playing with screenies here's my team record.
now please don't say that even these are forged!!!

i understand your sentiments and for all of your mental peace i will not post any further as you like only those records which you can all are screwed up records or screenies for you!!

now this is what i think regarding 13.5 runs a ball.
though i have not confirmed it but i think that the runs off no balls and wides
will be counted as runs scored of zero balls.So may be legbyes, and runs of no balls would have gone into the batsmen kitty or something like the stats showing 2 figures instead of 3.the game still has many glitches but then who is to be blamed for that?

i forgot to mention one thing that if for eg. you score ten runs of a ball the computer will count it as a six! and so the remaining 4 runs go unaccounted for statisticians like you!
How can you score 10 off a ball? Noball 2x (in one day) and a 6.. = 8

newzolt said:
this is the new record!

Yup, found you out:) the lines there dont add up to 31 or whatever
With the record you've posted in the 'most runs in a day thread' the total on the wagon wheel only add's up to 249, when the individual's score was 1263.

Here's an idea, post your save file so it can be inspected.
stevie said:
With the record you've posted in the 'most runs in a day thread' the total on the wagon wheel only add's up to 249, when the individual's score was 1263.

well if anyone of you has scored 300,400 or a 500 i'd ask them to go back and check the wagon wheel to check its accuracy. here i think
that instead of displaying 3 figures it displays 2 figures and that's a well known bug!

as far as the saved games file is concerned the game is not there in the recent games folder.infact i had posted my saved games files in this forum but since the game crashed at the end of the season due to some cluttered files i removed it!from the above game however i did have many screenshots saved just after the game was over for people like you!
stevie said:
Here's an idea, post your save file so it can be inspected.

well my game file has crashed but still if you can get any information from it that would be nice so here i am posting my save file.

langerrox said:
How can you score 10 off a ball? Noball 2x (in one day) and a 6.. = 8

do you know what is the actual record of maximum runs off a ball in first class cricket and how were those scored?well if you know that then you will know of ways of scoring 10 off a ball!
hint:Kent cricket ground!!


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