Forum Flooded - Everyone Please Read

yeah Ste
plz tell whats the town's name maybe its near to my house i will have a go at that guy

comon just tell or give us the map ;)
hey ste,

what do i have to do to post some files in BLC online for download?

i've a classic match, some edited pitches,...

plz tell me


hi undertaker
u can send the fiile Via e-mail to STe ;)
he will put that up for u
Just email them to [email protected] with the files and a readme file in a .zip file and I will put them on the site. You can also send a screenshot if you want.

I will proberbly update the site next on Tuesday night as I have A Level exams this Monday and Tuesday and therefore have alot of revision to do.

Sorry STE for the trouble that happened due to me. Actually I was busy with my exam preparation due to which I could not visit this site. Have you thought of a method how you can stop these manaces the next time. I think you can definately restrict the number of smileys and other expressions by a single person. Also the guest thing you have should be a little restrictive... compared to the people who are registered on this site.

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