Game Crashing!!


School Cricketer
Oct 21, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi, i've been on these forums a while but never really posted much. So hello. :p .

Anyway my problem is in 2019 my game crashes after the season just before the 2020 season starts. I played the season with Lancs and England and it was a world cup season in England.

I sent an email away to childish things around a week ago but with no reply. I thought that maybe one of you good folk could lend me a hand.

I have attached the same game file. If you manage to fix it just post it back onto this site. Thankyou all. :hpraise


  • Lancs Zip file.ZIP
    1.5 MB · Views: 5
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juju_cam said:
Hi, i've been on these forums a while but never really posted much. So hello. :p .

Anyway my problem is in 2019 my game crashes after the season just before the 2020 season starts. I played the season with Lancs and England and it was a world cup season in England.

I sent an email away to childish things around a week ago but with no reply. I thought that maybe one of you good folk could lend me a hand.

I have attached the same game file. If you manage to fix it just post it back onto this site. Thankyou all. :hpraise

Same problem, only i emailed them about 2 weeks ago :mad:

From what i can gather the problem is that some sides have only played 15 games in the county championship and the game cant cope with it
Strange, my Lancashire game file stopped working at exactly the same point and despite a few emails to Childish Things it wasn't fixed and I had to delete it.
It happens to games at random times, my Worcestershire game crashed in 2007 and my Somerset Game crashed in 2018.
yeah, its been a bug ever since the original icc came out years ago, on some games (mostly using the 2001 version and always county only) i have played well over 100 seasons without a crash, then on another file it would crash after maybe 25 seasons. Its a random bug, but it would be really cool if they sort this out, becuase its obviously very annoying!
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I don't know whats cauing this, but I've never had a crash, my furthest game being in 2019. I found what I think are the files that organise the fixtures a while ago, if the crash is caused by only 15 games being played by some teams then editing those files might fix it. I'll try and remember to take a look at it this summer.
good man fredfan, hopefully it is the 15 fixture thing, although i have experienced crashes early season before matches aswell..

I certainly think it has something to do with international games aswell - the game crashed alot more when i was county & international cap, rather than just county.
Thats an interesting point. Next time somebody e-mails Childish Things asking them to fix a file, it might be worth asking how they fix files - based on whatever they say it might be possiblt to start doing it ourselves.
i wonder why they dont patch it anyway? it must be a seriously difficult to correct flaw in the code to have been known and not fixed in an update for 6 or 7 years

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