Game Exits to Windows

I had this problem w/ Brian Lara 99. I just got another Sound Driver and it worked fine. You might wanna update your video and sound drivers :)
Hey mate!Try this.I read this in Codemasters forum.Just delete the 2 sting movies in movie folder of your game.The Movies folder should be inside the data folder.If it does not run then try deleting the other files in the Movies folder.Set the lowest resolution and detail settings and run the game.A black screen will appear.Wait for 5 min.Slowly a menu will appear.Good Luck.
Doesn't really sound like a problem which can be fixed by deleting those 2 files seeing as he is getting past that point okay. But no harm in trying.
I dont know should i say this or not. .but I am compelled to say- Intel sucks bigtime when it comes to Graphix Accerlerator. .may companies just make too much fool out of poor guys by boasting Intel GMA 950 Integrated, which infact is CRAP.

Get NVIDIA or ATI as soon as possible.
long shot but it worked for me. search through (either this forum or the codies forum) and get the Dell PC CD Check patch. I had the same problem and it worked for me. Hope this may help in some way.

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